a salt gun

Holy shit!!!!!!!! I am somewhat in awe…..that takes crazy to a whole new level,thanks for sharing

@ stza can you take a single paragraph out of any Bradbury novel and hold it up against any single passage from slaughter house five,or the breakfast of champions…..please don`t get me wrong ",something wicked this way come" is a must read at my house….as for ellison pick up "strange wine" or "i have no mouth and i

well i saw vonnegut speak once at furman univesity,this was back in like 88. which was without a doubt 2 of the most engaging and comedic talks i have ever heard given on the art of literature,as i recall it started out with story structures and rapidlydevolved into a free association of whatever was popping in his

Bradbury tops Vonnegut,Dick and Ellison?????? Wow,that`s a bold statement,and one i must respectfully(but vociferously) disagree with


I killed a girl, it was no accident. Put a gun to the back of her head and blew her brains right out the front.
I was in love.
All kinds of awesome.RIP you will be missed

I have to join the ranks of "I thought he died eons ago"oh well….rip…whatever

In all fairness
to Bristol and Levi there`s precious little else to do in Wasilla except fuck like drunken monkeys

i am with Patrick Kenzie from the Dennis Lehane novels,U2 are the eagles in leather jackets…bottom line being that the eagles fucking blow and u2 are a close second