

Still holding out hope that the cancellation of Inhumans means that Marvel is working overtime to finally get Fantastic Four and just bring in all of their weird, batty alien shit

Countdown to Tyrells-making-deals-in-Dorne-for-an-army in 5, 4, 3…

Agreed. Not sure where this whole "carrots for Ramsay" thing came up. He ordered him to reclaim Winterfell without promises of any prize. When he arrived, he spent the whole time lambasting Ramsay's decisions, begrudgingly accepting the possible benefits of a Reek for taking Moat Cailin. The whole legitimizing Ramsay

People are probably being a bit too harsh about just the mystical elements. But I think the TV shows have always faltered the moment they start speaking to bigger things outside of their own universe. Agents of SHIELD drags whenever it syncs up with the movies and Jessica Jones got a bit off when bringing in the IGH

Maybe a bit more of a justification for their presence other than "vague mystical junk about some kind of war or whatever". All we know about the Hand is that they dug a hole for some reason and need a person to be a weapon for some reason and that they're a bunch of immortal ninjas (again, for some reason, but I'll

"What does it mean to serve and protect? The Webster Dictionary defines serving as…"

Seriously. I was hoping that the Blacksmith was going to connect to the Hand in some meaningful way to more neatly tie the threads together, but nope! Just gonna have Castle cameo for some ninja sniping, with Murdock suddenly totally cool with Frank shooting the fuck out of some people (yeah, I know he knew they

Super for

The Tribe?

I was wondering if he might continue to work with the planned MST3k revival. I don't think anyone, from the cast/crew to the fans, would hold it against him if he walked away from the show

There's a whole page on TV Tropes about the Chinese launderer stereotype in entertainment. Probably worth a gander.

Sure, but the plots that led nowhere were developed with thoroughly thought out characters over the course of three books. By contrast, the Dorne plot was about half a book's worth of failed plots, introducing a whole horde of characters that seem to have little to no impact on anyone else in the story. It's only made

It'll probably be with the Tyrells pushing for the release of Loras and Margaery

I dunno. Considering Zemo and Crossbones are in it, I'm guessing Cap's whole motivation is going to be about revealing how Hydra is setting up Bucky and others exactly so that registration becomes a reality

I'm done with the show, but I really, truly, deeply hope that it's not a Savior. Especially one who ably accomplished the plan of making an endless number of road blocks and corralling the group to a specific spot in the woods by whistling

My rage has a Hulk-like effect on my language, just in an opposite way

I'd forgotten about the spray, and now it just makes me angrier. They painted an X on him well in advance of when they inexplicably knew they were going to hang him on the bridge on the more inconvenient route that Rick and the Funky Bunch were going to inevitably take before being blocked by the massive pile of logs

"Bite, chew, swallow, repeat" is feeling like a very prophetic and meta line about this show right now

Zen question for the evening: if we stop giving a shit about this show, can it really be spoiled?