Well, her episode at least has Mulder getting laid so I'll give her that.
Well, her episode at least has Mulder getting laid so I'll give her that.
Hollywood AD was amazing and showed that Duchovny has real writing/directing chops. It's too bad he didn't get a career in independent filmmaking. What's also interesting is that Duchovny's scripts have great scenes for Scully, something that doesn't usually happen when an actor writes an episode as it usually ends up…
I also don't think Janine is being a bitch. Zoe is corrupt herself and obnoxious to boot. I can't blame Janine for not liking her.
Same here. I adored the finale.
Got the chance to see this today. I highly recommend it because not only can Israel learns lessons from this film but the United States can, as well. Even if you're not interested in the politics of the war on terror, the personalities of the former leaders are fascinating and seeing them deal with what was done, many…
Considering that almost all of Bill Maher's staff from Politically Incorrect have stuck with him, I get the feeling that Maher isn't intolerable to work with. He also has a genuinely good show that talks about issues most political talk shows don't. Yeah, he's still a douche on the show but I'm okay with that.
While I enjoyed him in BSG, I can see him only working in very certain parts.
Gary X, I agree. Him coming home was tacked on and totally unearned. We had no vested interest in his relationship with his wife whatsoever so it was a really bizarre way to end the film.
Argo definitely had the Hollywood ending which brought it down a lot but I cannot deny the power of those opening moments when the embassy is getting stormed. That was some intense shit.
The fifth time? That's not a lot when you consider it's been 30 years since 1980 and it's even more odd when you consider Affleck wasn't even nominated.
I really enjoyed Argo but it's nowhere as good as all these awards are suggesting. I'm a bit surprised by all the acclaim the films has received. Of the two terrorism/CIA docudramas I'd say Zero Dark Thirty was vastly superior to Argo.
I saw Zero Dark thirty last night, figuring the theater wouldn't be crowded because of the Super Bowl. Well, I was the only one in the theater- private showing. Not only that, I snuck in a water bottle so I didn't have to pay for one. Everything was coming up Donald.
Okay, that's fair.
I've never watched a show and thought, "Wow, that character makes no sense" and have it turn out to be something good. Mad Men had mysteries about Don Draper but none of it felt like it made no sense. I'm not buying that.
I cannot like this enough.
Midnight is definitely great in that regard. Waters of Mars' ending was too over the top for me although I respect what it was aiming for.
It's definitely worth watching. Paul McGann is great and has some excellent scenes where you're thinking, "This guy just *gets* it." I know it's not the most popular opinion, but I also enjoy Eric Roberts as the Master.
This episode is bleak but I think it has its fun moments. Certainly Jek's dialogue is a blast.
No, but she probably wouldn't want to work for the superior officer who allowed it and especially wouldn't want to do it for 20 years and still be a hardline supporter.
It really doesn't get better than this but what's remarkable is that so much of it shouldn't work. Morgus randomly talks to the audience which should be laughable yet comes across as creepy. Jek's lines should be the ultimate cheese yet even the cheesiest, "Do you really think your bullets can stop me now?!" work…