wild world of sporks

The book both of these movies is based on is nuts. The male lead is not a nice, misunderstood young guy that girls should be swooning over.

Something that stood out for me in the Saturday Night Live oral history is when one of the writers talked about dining out with Sid Caesar, and he ordered a bunch of weird shit, like pasta with shredded wheat on top.

I don't feel OK.

Dot com entrepreneur?
Editor for a hip and edgy humor magazine?
Dave Eggers?

It is a bit harsh, but in his defense people who find it necessary to comment that they've never heard of a celebrity in an article about that celebrity's death really are kind of irritating.

Probably not if you weren't into spoken word stuff. A lot of people of that generation, myself included, were, though.

Whoa! I just ordered an essay collection of hers a while back. This is a surprise.

Well, if it cleanses the world's palate of Duck Dynasty, I guess it's not so bad.

—Meeting a friend for sushi tonight
—Going out with my dude on Friday
—Going art/craft supply shopping with my kid next week
—Visiting my BFF in a couple of weeks
—Going to the NY Coffee & Tea Festival in March

And the "Adam Sandler of movies that usually aren't shitty."

Clooney is basically the Adam Sandler of prestige, action dramedies

Master Sporks and I are going out for ice cream, even though it's like 14 degrees here. Then we're purchasing a membership to the IFC Center's "cineaste" club. Finally, my dream of becoming a pretentious asshole will come to fruition!

Not until after Mel Brooks shows up to take everybody's meal orders.

Well, goodbye everyone. **hangs self**

OK, I think America has exceeded full Armisen capacity.

I just hope there's a scene where all the characters dance to "Party Rock Anthem."

Somewhere in L.A., Leonardo DiCaprio and Joaquin Phoenix are punching the walls of their posh apartments in anguish at this casting news.

Ladies and gentlemen, i think we might be seeing the birth of a new Foodfight!

Fantastic place! I keep meaning to go back so I can spend a princely sum in the gift shop.

In Flop House news, Elliot is back!