wild world of sporks

I literally just said to Master Sporks a little while ago, "Oh, right, the season finale of Coven is tomorrow…" then just kind of petered out to an indifferent sigh. "Indifferent sigh" has been pretty much my reaction to this season overall.

Myrtle and Misty are the only two characters I found interesting, and even they just got repetitious after a while.

Now would be a good time to mention David Rakoff's essay on how much he disliked "Rent." Unfortunately, I can't seem to find it in its entirety online.

Right, I'm not criticizing the song itself (especially since I haven't even heard it), but the whole tone of this article is way off base. What he should have said was "Cheers to Macklemore for doing a song about gay rights that won't offend straight white people."

Rabin seemed surprisingly well-versed on the subject, and probably would have been able to do a better take on this, even if music writing isn't his thing.

Well, I wouldn't know, again, I know very little about rap overall. But I think the article's reverent tone of Macklemore being the "great white hope" that will inspire rappers to care about more than tits and Moet is way off base.

Ouch, please tell me that you didn't intend for this to come off as "leave it to the white guy to rap about something relevant!" Because, eh, no. I'm hardly any sort of expert on rap and hip hop, but I'm pretty sure that you can do better than just name drop Jay-Z and Kanye as representative of rap culture as a whole.

If it does, you can bet she won't be there to make friends.

That photo is an excellent approximation of most people's reaction to the news that Grey's Anatomy is still on the air.

We're still doing this shit?

Why don't they build the whole plane out of the black box?!?

You may.

A loved one is brutally murdered. Who do you want to interview you about it?

Still hoping for my own copy of "Dysfunctional Family Christmas."

Oh honey, sit down.

Yeah, I didn't hear "Pumped Up Kicks" for the first time until literally almost a year after it came out. I'm really out of touch with that kind of thing anymore.

Not at all defending this dipshit, but I did take pause at the neighbor claiming that Bieber did $25,000 worth of damage to his house by egging it. What the fuck was he throwing, ostrich eggs?

I actually only heard this song for the first time a month or two ago, and I thought it was okay, but not the song that's going to save alternative pop or whatever breathless, histrionic terms music bloggers are applying to it. It was okay.

Everything I have to say about libertarianism and the skeptic community has already been said, so I'll just say that the phrase "Bad Boy of…" needs to be retired, particularly when applied to men over 25.

I was just thinking the other day, "Gee, we really need more TV shows about lawyers."