wild world of sporks

Yeah, bless Stephen King, I love almost everything he's written, but he needs to not ever write black characters again, at least not until he's sat down and spoken to an actual black person.

Viggo. Viggo is the only choice for Roland.

Yes, this would be perfect casting. Now they just have to get Viggo back for Roland, and it might not be shitty.

Yeah, the whole "girl power" thing has left me unimpressed, considering that the vast majority of the season has involved the female characters betraying each other, fighting over men, and calling each other bitches. Their banding together to kill the Axe Man was so forced and phony it was laughable.

Most Useless Character (though clearly Nan has this locked down)

Well, considering how many people Zoe has brought back from the dead for no good reason whatsoever, it's understandable she might have forgotten about the Axe Man.

"Queenie…how did you find me?" Maybe she tried looking in your fucking house. Are the writers even trying at this point?

"I'm dying."
"Oh, Pa, stop kidding around."
"No, really, I'm dying."
**hysterical laughter**

Well, I give them credit for saying "people were offended" in their apology, rather than the standard "if anyone was offended" non-apology.

Right, but the farting squirrel movie is fun for all ages. You're not even trying here.

When I got married in '96, I specifically asked the DJ not to play "Macarena," which was the "Gangnam Style" of that year. Not only did he play it, he played a ten fucking minute long extended cut of it. It's like he was insisting that if the groom and I wanted to be good wedding hosts, we had no choice but to play

who farted?

Oh boy, you're a peach.

Yeah, it makes me sad that my kid is growing up, but on the other hand, it means I don't have to deal with this garbage anymore.

A trailer has played for this literally before every movie I have seen in the past three months, even Her, and I hate it a little more each time. It's basically Fantastic Mr. Fox recreated for stupid children.

Especially since I'm not sure it was ever explained why regaining her sight caused her to lose all of her powers, including the ones she had before she was blinded. I really do think Murphy and the other writers are coasting on audience good will at this point, figuring "Yeah, this might not make sense, but fuck it,

Yes, exactly. The longer this season goes on, and the more interested it seems in having its actors either ham it up or fire off lazy, uninspired insults at each other (seriously, I never thought I'd get so tired of hearing the word "bitch"), the less I care who the Supreme is. Is it Delia? It's probably Delia. Is

During the LaLaurie speech at the beginning, I honestly thought they were accidentally rerunning an earlier episode. They just keep retreading the same shit over and over again.

Jesus, what a pointless fucking episode. So whatever magic Queenie worked on LaLaurie apparently reset her button and now she's back to torturing people again? I guess?

I don't even bother with McDonald's anymore, but I'd buy a bag of fries for a Rainicorn figure.