wild world of sporks

No Lumpy Space Princess?

Cold/Flu Thread

Those who do demonstrate concern—most likely tourists

So is every modestly successful movie going to get some sort of "anniversary" acknowledgment? Did this start with last years Oscars presentation bizarrely focusing on it being 10 years since Chicago came out?


YES. And have a scene where one of the characters is on the subway watching a mariachi band perform. You'd be surprised how often that happens.

Oh man, I remember reading the book when I was maybe 13 or so. There were so many dirty parts!

I was visiting my niece a while back and was subjected to Shake It Up. It was literally worse than Hitler.

"The next episode involves World War II, and is based on my terrifying experiences reading about it."

Not the sharpest tool in the shed, but a sweetheart.

in a setting meticulously built to be an authentic Brooklyn
Eh, no, not really. I'm burned out on both the pro and anti-Girls discussions, but I always find it necessary to point out that there's not much terribly authentic about its portrayal of Brooklyn. Maybe a tiny, tiny fraction of Brooklyn, but not any part

I am not surprised that the same group of people who would continuously vote for Adam Sandler as favorite comedic actor also don't know what an "antihero" is (and neither do the people who created the ballots, evidently).

Considering how much of their daily schedule is taken up with reruns of Malcolm in the Middle and shitty horror movie reboots, I was wondering when they were going to do the official SyFy-esque "we're not bothering with our original format anymore" announcement. In all seriousness, can anyone speculate as to why so

So basically he's trying to be James Franco without the charm and dazzling smile. I see.

My ex-husband tried at least three times over the past decade to quit without success. He started using e-cigs this past summer and hasn't smoked a single real cigarette since. I buy that these things work (even if his resembles the Sonic Screwdriver).

Yeah, it sure is annoying when people have to use something to help them quit a potentially life-threatening habit, isn't it?

Gosh, will it be another show in which every woman he encounters will want to sleep with him? I really hope so.


"You shouldn't have made it to your first birthday, you talentless hack!"

I think right around the time he claimed Jack and Jill was a sensitive, insightful look at the modern Jewish experience was when the brain goblins completely took over.