wild world of sporks

Holy shit, A.A. gives something an A, note this date for posterity.

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the first one, this looks pretty awesome too.

For the interested, signups are happening right now to take the test to become a Jeopardy! contestant. I registered, even though I'm probably overestimating how smart I am.

The most startling thing about the "yeah, baby!" thing was how many local news outlets thought Mike Myers having another kid was worth reporting.

Wow! That's going to be fucking terrible. Not that there was any chance that it wouldn't be, but wow, this is the shitty icing on a urinal cake.

Pretty sure he's never going to die.

This is, sadly, one of those movies that I can recall watching at some point, but couldn't tell you a damn thing about it, except that it starred the cast of FCW.

but the same could be said of Jurassic Park, which also explores the hell that breaks loose when a few smart yet foolish people try to control the uncontrollable. For the viewer less excited by CGI dinosaurs than by the question of why a man might stop by a motorcycle showroom to measure the height of a particular

Wow, what the hell is going on with some of these comments, is this performance art?

WTF? The wife bought Sting as a Christmas present for someone? I haven't really watched the show, but how much money are these people supposed to have?

Tom Petty's "Christmas All Over Again" is my all-time favorite Christmas song. It just fills my heart with joy.

Anyone read Every Love Story is a Ghost Story, Wallace's biography by D.T. Max? It's great if you want near-pornographic detail of Wallace's writing technique, not so much if you want to get to know more about him as a person. It literally spends a single page addressing his suicide, and then just ends right there.

Frances Ha is available on Netflix Instant. I'm going to try to squeeze in a viewing of it sometime this week, between watching stuff like "The He-Man/She-Ra Christmas Special."

I must admit to being familiar with Madonna's version long before Eartha Kitt's, and the damage was already done. Now every time I hear it I picture Anna Nicole Smith sitting on her decrepit husband's lap, except he's wearing a Santa hat, and it makes me feel a little ill.


FYI has yet to announce any actual programming, but considering the press release’s talk about the channel “reflecting how people actually live their lives,”

"Fuck-" is the gentleman's "-Fuck."

And why is Kyle so strong, has that been explained? I get that his brain was all mixed up because he was put back together with different parts, but why would it make him strong enough to be able to squeeze a large dog to death?

That's the weird thing about this season, *so* much has happened, and yet so much has been abandoned (Delia and Hank trying to have a baby, the Ax Man, etc.), and we're still not really getting anywhere. And we're still not going to get anywhere, because any potential for plot movement is going to be bogged down with

I doubt we've seen the last of her, I'm sure there will be some elaborate explanation as to why her presence is still required, Fiona and Marie will argue about it, and Marie will sneer and grudgingly agree to it. Shit, we might not have even seen the last of Queenie, or even Hank. Except for Kyle's mom and perhaps