wild world of sporks

They could have very easily left the whole irony thing at "she's a Bible thumper who sexually humiliates her teenage son." But no, instead, they're going to drag it the hell out, and Nan and almost certainly Madison and Zoe are going to be preoccupied with getting revenge when they should be worrying about not getting

It's baffling to me how many people disagree with that. Season 2 is by far superior to the other two, I don't care how bleak it supposedly is.

Is it just me, or did it sound like Alexandra Breckenridge's character was the only witch Hank had managed to kill so far? Although to be fair this show already goes overboard on flashbacks, I guess referring to one was enough.

And also brilliant of her to murder her son when said son's girlfriend has proven that she can hear people's thoughts.

Beyond the tastelessness of that, I am confused—wasn't Hank supposed to have been hired by Marie Laveau? So was he working for her or his father's business, which evidently one of the writers just pulled out of his ass this week? In either case, why did he suddenly decide to kill them? The show has been very careful

With "crazy Christian mom is a murderer," we've now reached Defcon 4 levels of too many unnecessary subplots. At least they seem to have finally figured out something to do with Kyle, though.

Changing to C. The more I think about it, the more the last few minutes left a really unpleasant taste in my mouth.

So has it been revealed yet that half the videos Tosh pokes fun at are faked anyway? I sort of feel like that's going to be a completely unsurprising "scandal" coming soon.

Pretty sure most of the commenters here are in agreement with you.

Yeah, was gonna say that the stage version of Grease is way dirtier than the movie.

In all seriousness, per Wikipedia Trent Reznor played Harold Hill in a high school production of The Music Man.

It's ok, I live in NYC and tickets sold out so fast the best I can do is stand outside the theater wistfully each night.

Me too! "What month is it?" "It's the middle of Septober." "I thought it was Februly!"

See, this is where hate watching stuff will get you. The networks do not care why people are watching something, if it gets high ratings they'll make more of it.

Yeah, Madrigal kind of lost me with "Oh, this song is so horrible because now hipsters are going to shop at thrift stores and there won't be anywhere for poor people to go." The condescension and ignorance in that statement was breathtaking.

Robyn Hitchcock's was good too, though oddly enough I can't remember what song he discussed. I do remember that he actually put some effort into it beyond "let me piss all over this low hanging fruit here."

Yeah, it makes you consider the possibility that the interviewee is chosen beforehand and then assigned a song to discuss, which seems sort of pointless.

Nearly every Hatesong seems to come down to "A lot of people like this, so that makes it stupid and bad." Now, granted, the majority of these songs *are* pretty terrible (though this one seems to be such an odd, innocuous choice that it's not even worth discussing), but a lot of the people interviewed are so

But all those drummers drumming and pipers piping…

Yeah, as far as I'm concerned whatever edgy thing this dude thinks he's doing is at the same level as Larry the Cable Guy putting a song out a few years back called "The 12 Farts of Christmas."