wild world of sporks

Yeah, I applaud Marah's restraint in not mentioning that most "funny" Christmas songs are really pretty awful.

Implausibly, he dates Sarah Silverman. Between this schmuck and Jimmy Kimmel, it definitely establishes a pattern in Sarah Silverman's questionable taste in men.


The Muppets version with John Denver is a legitimately great holiday song, though.

"This 75 year-old woman looks 30!"

I never hated the website redesign more than I do right now.

All three channels have been advertising this show incessantly for literally the past two months. I'm glad it's finally airing so it can disappear.

I've had the…pleasure, if you want to call it that, of seeing Handjob Academy perform live. It was amusing for about five minutes, until it wasn't anymore.

It's made even weirder by the fact that the actor playing Luke looks like he hasn't seen the inside of a high school in at least a decade.

Yeah, that movie looks pretty great.

Yeah, I was definitely getting Margaret White there, especially at the end right before she got shot. The homage wasn't terribly subtle.

Yeah, the lack of sympathetic characters is a big issue. Misty is honestly the only character I find interesting and likable enough to care about what happens to her. I assume Zoe is supposed to be the character the audience is rooting for, but she's proven herself to be such a dolt time and again that I just can't

The weird thing is that Gabourey's acting seems to be getting progressively worse with each episode. I mentioned it in my comment already, but that opening scene was just atrocious. She gave "voodoo and witches, this town ain't big enough for the two of us" all the passion of "pass the ketchup."

You are not.


Patti Lupone was giving her son an enema to clean the evil out of him, because why the fuck not, it's American Horror Story.

There are a lot of songs I hate, because I’m naturally a hater.

I really need to get off my ass and create an account over there, I'd love to review something.

The two of us, my kid, and my ex-husband, who I'm still good friends with. Normally we go up to CT for a bigger family event, but wanted to keep it small this year.

Considering how absolutely insufferable people like this are in real life, I wonder why we find so much entertainment in watching movies about them.