Underestimated Bob

Dammit. Late watching this. Key takeaway ( on the same day I had to put my comic-book AMAZING Pyrenees /Golden down ) — that Chelsea had a really massive dick for a girl. RIP.

Having experienced nothing but Southern Baptist funerals— and scooping up my dead wiener dog off the side of the road with my Dad — "Chuckles" was the first time I , as a kid, wasn't horrified of death. The Murray/Lou scene was unbelievable to me — his could you be so calloused as to joke at the expense of the

No— I've spent half my life in the South, and there has never, ever been an accent like that. Anywhere, anytime. Big fan of Rapaport , but that accent is distracting. I'm totally available to be his diction coach — I can slip right back into my nativeNC accent with three Jameson's .

I can finally turn my TV back on now that "BB" is over. I swear, this show would get more acclaim were Olyphant not too pretty to praise. Hoping that Rapaport can maintain the One-Season Guest-Villain stauts of Martindale and McDonough. But where the fuck is Patton Oswalt and his go-bag?