You would thinkā¦
You would thinkā¦
Just so we're clear: Kingsman is a charmless load of old shit.
Totally agree.
It was really easy. I googled it, signed up with audience provider company (for free) and got offered tickets a month later.
I went to the recording of the latest Graham Norton Show (the Judi Dench one that was on this week in the UK). Was impressed by Norton's professionalism: one re-take in whole episode. Caught up on loads of TV (Wolf Hall, Cucumber, Banana, Spiral etc). Listening to Natalie Prass and reading 'Ghana Must Go'.
Grommit, or Shaun the Sheep, if we had a big enough garden.
Or Zoltan, Hound of Dracula.
They also talk about the two director situation on 'Superman 2' with someone proposing 'Only Superman has two Dicks!' as a poster strapline.
Totally agree - see my comment below about audiences clapping and cheering.
It fits in with the old Europe immigrant theme. On the decadent tip, I love the way Trevor Howard's judge says 'guilty' in a lazy, almost distracted way.
And, bizarrely, Peter Cook.
Not up-voted for getting he S the right way around.
I didn't know not liking Kidder's Lois was a thing. I think she's great. 'How many Ps in Rapist?'
Great comic moments from Stamp too, which don't take away from the character: the bit where Zod is admiring himself on the TV monitor, and the 'Oh God' scene with the president.
It has it's moments but what sticks in my mind is the appearance of Benny Hill regular Bob Todd as the Metropolis businessman with the umbrella at the beginning.
I love the way Terence Stamp plays Zod as a bored decadent aristocrat from old Europe, which contrasts with Superman's new world optimism.
No review of 'Shaun the Sheep Movie'?
See it! The cast are amazing - especially Warner, Holm and Richardson.
Terry Gilliam used to be so great with actors, and always had great casts. Now he just has actors shouting at each other unintelligibly.