deus ex mockingbird

Yeah, but it was kind of always the same snare part. Actually, though, isn't that sort of what's meant by iconic in this context- instantly recognizable? So yeah, it would've been nice to see some "Kiss Off" love.

That's the first one I thought of as well. The second, though I don't know that it fits the AVC's definition of "iconic," was Matthew Sweet's "Lost My Mind."


Is septa Lemore someone important- perhaps Ashara Dayne? I don't know- there seemed to be hints that she was not all she appeared to be.

She kinda hates it when people call her Skylar.

Dillane is a fantastic actor- saw him in Masterpiece Theatre's "God on Trial," and I'm pleased to be seeing more of him. Stannis is great in book two because there's a kind of black/white morality to his sternness, much like Ned. Early on, before he completely bows to Melisandre, he's at least somewhat sympathetic as

I've never heard "Edge of Glory," but now for the rest of the day I will be singing this:

@montypark: every song in Watchmen.

Yeah- NMH is one of the bands I was aware of in college, when every band in Georgia seemed to have a loose connection to the Elephant 6 collective- but had never given "Aeroplane" a full sit-down listen until this, my 32nd year on the planet, prompted in part by the Swell Season's excellent cover of "2-headed Boy"

Does this mean
Liv Tyler was otherwise occupied?

In a similar vein to the Tenenbaums pilgrimage, in 2002 I persuaded my then-girlfriend- now-wife to spend our first Spring Break together driving from Atlanta to Lubbock, TX, spending a night in the Hillsboro motel where much of Bottle Rocket takes place. The motel manager noticed me sniffing around and guessed that I

Jesus' Son
I had to imdb Michael Shannon after being impressed by him in "Bug," (and before seeing "Revolutionary Road,") and the only role that I could immediately visualize was Dundun in "Jesus' Son."

Alles Klar?
The German textbooks they used in my high school were emblazoned with a phrase familiar to any fan of either Falco's "Der Kommissar" or Peter Schilling's "Major Tom." Because of its appearance in both songs *and* on the cover of a language text, I can only assume that "alles klar" is the most frequently

This is my favorite part of every A-Team episode: the building of the juggernaut.

Lickey- if your two endorsements are accurate, I'll definitely pick up Blunstone's solo outing next time I'm at a record store. Thanks for the tip.

There's definitely a clanger or two on O&O (I'm looking at you, "Butcher's Tale"), but "Care of Cell 44," "This Will Be Our Year," and "Friends of Mine" can easily hold their own with the greatest pop confections ever put to tape. And the Faulknerian "Rose for Emily" is kind of devastating.

This would have sounded so much better with autotune.

The three-part (Olson-Louris-Grotberg) harmonies on "Red's Song" (I was on my floor when I ran you out that door) kill.

For my money, Trader Joe's "Joe-Joes" are a vastly superior generic rip-off. The middles are unbelievably creamy- Oreos taste stale by comparison.