
Mr Herzog, I you give me hope regarding Keller's offing. And let it be a spectacular, bombastic one, like trapping him with the treasure in a submersible sunk with a Saab Bofors-built bazooka. Adler's death was so anti-climactic, I forget he's dead.

Mr. Herzog, I wasn't questioning the authenticity. (I live in a world of multi-culti accents and interlanguages, who am I to say what's authentic.) I merely found his accent difficult to grasp, jarring.

Mr. Herzog, I wasn't questioning its authenticity. (I grew up surrounded by multi-culti accents and interlanguages, so who am I to say what's authentic.) I merely found it jarring, difficult to grasp.

That accent *was* a total mess, even if it was real. I'm not feeling the McCall love either. I thought KH was anti-McCall as well—his "Payback" review called him an "unremarkable on-screen presence and hardly intimidating".I'm inclined to still agree.