
He quit Twitter over a year ago.

I'm fond of the theory that people incapable of empathising with humans will over-empathise with animals as a way to compensate.

Yes, a rare flaw in the exacting verisimilitude that the Rocky franchise is known for.

Oculus thought it was scary but it was wrong.

We just figured they were honouring our traditional hoser practices.

That moment was fucking beautiful.

Glad to see this getting a good review. I downloaded it earlier but haven't had a chance to listen yet. I got the new Ellie Goulding too, but I've heard mixed reviews on that one. Anyone here had a chance to give it a spin yet?

You honestly have no desire to feel happiness, do you.

Or you could just not give a fuck what other people do, you miserable asshole.

That Pusha T monologue is shameful. There's more poetry in any given couplet of his weakest verse than in both of these plays combined.

"You know what I could go for right now? A mother-effing beer."

Unless you're Emmanuel fucking Lubezki don't fucking film shit horizontally cuz I'm sure as fuck not going to rotate my phone to watch it.

That kid is killing it.

You rock the pink shirt like a motherfucker.

The Hard Times can be pretty good, but you have to be into punk/hardcore to get it.

By wearing a suit and standing in front of a blue screen.

…and that's not a thumb.

I dunno, to me it's so much more than that. It's about how sex opens us up to the harsh realities of adult life, and brings an awareness of our mortality. In turn, sex can be one of the only things to provide a temporary escape from these thoughts. It works on dream logic and isn't intended to be straight metaphor.

It's not an allegory for stds.