
One of the best films ever made, period.

The first 5 minutes, with the Eminem interview, were legitimately fucking funny. Everything after that…not so much.

The Thing.

Who wants a banger in the mouth?

It's just "Lieutenant".

He should pick it up pick it up pick it up.

More like any musician over the age of 25 who isn't clinging to some outdated cliche of PUNK RAWK.

I don't.

This is amazing. Stop being such an AV Clubber about it.

When did it mean anything else??

We're in fucking sub-Bob Hope Is God territory here.


Ooh-la-la, someone's gonna get laid in college!

I'm worried that he's not serious.

This is about Bre-x? That's cool. My friend won big in a mock stock market competition in high school by buying a bunch of their stock and selling it off just as it peaked. He bought it because the call letters were BMX and he figured they made bikes or something.

Well, it's a full-Clan album recorded after 1997; there's a pretty good chance it's shitty.

Fuck off.

I hate how good this track is.

Oh yeah, Cross's Punker-than-thou schtick is coming through strong there. But apparently Bob wrote the bit about the Brian Wilson type, because he really hates the Beach Boys.

That new album is fucking solid front to back.