
This rips. I'm really digging the melodic stuff in the back half, sounds like they've really progressed since the last album..

Funnier than anything Bob Hope is God has ever posted.

Yeah, they're probably so maladjusted that they spend their time posting bitchy comments on the internet under pseudonyms referencing 20 year old cult TV shows.

No. I'm saying this as someone who's heard all of that as well as Teen Daze's earlier work. This is barely music. That stuff you posted is 1) soulless but competent 2) extremely dated but valid for its time 3) not bad at all and one of their more listenable albums (although Panda Bear's Person Pitch is where its at)

This might possibly be the worst music I have ever heard. Those vocals are atrocious.

Can this be a new thing? Piling on Bob Hope is God every time he posts?

I believe that's called "Living the Dream"

Fair enough, but to discredit the contributions of Krist and Dave outright is just as disingenuous, if not more so. Listen to any song that they recorded with earlier drummers then listen to a live version with Dave and tell me he didn't put his stamp on it. As these are home recordings of Kurt with an acoustic guitar

LOL, we're still deliberately misinterpreting things in order to make dipshit comments?

And it was originally going to be a Kimba, The White Lion adaptation until they realised they didn't have the rights, so they made the lion yellow and changed it to Simba.

Who knew the red jumpsuit was made of chicken skin?

Imagine the Jerry Lewis Film Festivals we'd have!

Deep, Neal.

It would be amazing to see her and Bob Odenkirk yell "GODDAMMIT!" at each other.

Jaws, The Godfather, Jurassic Park

This supercut proves all AC/DC songs end pretty much the same way.

They call it that, but when it's re-broadcast outside of the US, it shows up on the right.

Eh, as a musician I just ignored anything relating to Chastain's character's music career. Considering many well-known bands these days still have day jobs, the fact that they were obviously nobodies struggling to get their shit together meant she should have been working 40+ hrs a week at a "real" job, not fucking

I'm going to be Droppin' Many Suckers with a Ball of Destruction when I'm Demonstrating My Style with one of these.