
Yeah, I generally dig the Foos as well but I'd say this is better than the original

The A.V. Club

He does, however, suck his own dick.

Yeah, you'd have to say "cawut" I guess? That's all sorts of ugly.

Didn't the girl (Tara Reid?) spit it into the cup?

…how would that make you a black hipster?

I no does busting anymore!

I'm not saying they were bad.

wtf is wrong with u

Yeah, I'd say MTV even more than any other network should be throwing a bone to the artists featured since they used to only exist to play 3 minute album advertisements and have completely abandoned that.

" I wish you would step back from that bread, my friend."

Nick Yacyschyn is a fucking beast.

Yeah, they actually had to write the songs on the second album. None of that Walter Schreifels magic.

OK, how about "first time it's been applied to a sentient potato"?


Yeah, why on earth would someone mix the sound of a rocket taking off louder than the dying whispers of an old man? Baffling!


Raein's new album is pretty good too, but yeah, I think this album's the high water mark for the genre.

Rocksteady is also a type of music.