
Cleverness Points deducted for not including a Clever Stage Direction at the end of your post like so:
*pats self on back*

But highly effective against your own citizens!

It's funny how so many people don't seem to pick up on Jeff's drinking problem. I feel like the show's hinting at it pretty hard. That may say something about me though.


Fuck, this album is ten years old already?

"The sole tastes…*licks sole*…not great."

Yeah, considering the whole thing is due to a border dispute where each side is trying to disown the land in question there really isn't a whole lot of sovereignty violation going on here at all. It's weird as fuck, but as usual, the most vocal are the least informed.


I'm assuming they're all in a staff meeting, being introduced to the new British housekeeper Nathina Rabine.

I doubt the bike was bothered. It probably enjoyed it.

"Five strings, two notes, two fingers and one asshole"

Let's go spend these right quick.

Well, I can hate jackasses who hate The Strut.

Eh, I can't bring myself to hate anything to do with Peggy's Fuck You Strut.

It's almost like most of the people who comment here don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about and are just whoring for upvotes with an open disdain for the people who create the cultural artifacts that they waste their employer's money talking about on the internet and have never created anything more

Yeah, but he's not really complaining about the scripts, but about how the sets are run.

Do you really not see the humour in someone named "Captain 'Murica" upvoting themselves?

Oh, boo fucking hoo.

No, that'd be straight up capitalism.

'Cause eight planets bullied number nine until he fell