
Dude, it's Juanito. We should just be glad he's finally stopped going on about Universal Soldier:Day of Reckoning.

You didn't know that already?

I'd wager a that a healthy amount of Franco's shtick amounts to "Well, if no one else is gonna do this…."

Played Captain America too.

Except that they cleared their samples, so you're kind of completely wrong.

Exactly. I can't understand why people insist on equating the art of sampling with ripping off someone else's creation wholesale for the purposes of selling something. The law is pretty clear on the distinction.

Mr Hands.

Fuck yeah.

Asking a company to not steal your art doesn't break any laws, as far as I know.

Not the same thing at all.

I think you have to know that world.

Could be cool. The NYHC/ Youth Crew scene hasn't really been portrayed on film too much, has it?

I think this is "That Guy" again.

Fuck anyone who can't appreciate the brilliance of modern Canadian Rye. AP Dark Horse is the greatest thing ever.

Not if the response to the Beastie Boys/GoldieBlox story in the past few days is any indication of the average person's understanding of how music works.

Let it go, dude.

This is awesome.

Two youts?

Well said, but I'd note that in no way does fare use apply here, and if a court ruled in favour of Goldie Blocks it would destroy what is currently one of the only viable revenue sources for music artists. Also, those Dove Evolution commercials were put together by the same firm as the notoriously misogynist Axe body

It can be both!