
If you were a nerd, you'd already know the answer.

I was thinking the same thing. I really want to see Kanye's segment now.

Hey, if Connie Britton likes the turtleneck, it's all good.

Yay! O'Neal writing about experimental electronic music!

TMBG and Ween, specifically. They're like Zappa for the Gen X crowd: skilled musicians too preoccupied with being clever to connect on an emotional level.

I can get behind the Jawbreaker love, but the slavish devotion to mid-90's quirk rock mystifies me. Do people not want their music to have, y'know, emotional resonance? Even when they talk about good bands, they always hold up the least engaging songs as examples of their greatness.

In fact, I think it was when he showed up in the comments talking about Eluvium that I realized he was a cut above the rest.

It's kind of scary how good his taste in music is. Especially compared to some of the writers here. And especially compared to most of the commenters.

Just making sure I didn't have some gap in my exhaustive knowledge of animated breakfast cereal mascots.

Do you mean Honey Nut Cheerios?

Yeah, it's one of those cases where the legion of imitators actually make the original all the more impressive.

I'd go with emerging from inside the couch, naked and sweaty.

The type of person who sorts by "Best" is the same type who would panic after listening to a radio play.

Third Rule - Don't talk to Commies
Fourth Rule - Eat kosher salami

I've noticed a lot of visual references to the Ghostbusters Terror Dogs in movies lately. I think John Carter had some and there was something else I just watched that I'm totally brain farting on. I'm pretty sure it's intentional, as kids raised on Ghostbusters are now working in the industry.

Yeah, I think it's telling that people who binged it the day it dropped were disappointed, while people who worked through them at a more moderate pace have far fewer complaints. I've gone through Season 4 three times now, and while I think a few of the episodes are a little draggy, the subtle gags and call-forwards

Didn't Cross and Lipton kiss and make up when they worked together on the original series?

That whole sequence when he was disputing the bill was genius.

Yeah. Some of us have to work in the morning, Charlie Kaufman.

I actually think the best thing to come out of all this is the death of "selling out". Now that the only way to actually make money in a band is through licensing and corporate partnerships, people have had to let go of their notions of "artistic purity". There will always be a limit, and that will change from band to