

Thanks, I haven't actually followed up on the post-Daitro stuff from the members. Ill check that out ASAP.

Raein is awesome, but I always associate them with Daitro and then I get sad that Daitro won't put out more material. Y was such a good album.

Si no me quieres, librame.

Johnny Marr in Modest Mouse

All versions of that song are the weakest. Even Tom Waits couldn't make it listenable.



@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus Yeah, it was probably the 3rd or 4th time watching the episode and then still rewinding a few times before I got it.

My *reproductive organ* is shaped like a *lobster tail*, but without it's shell.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus I think you're reading passive agression into my comment where none was intended.

Blur stole his hat, didn't they? Bunch of bullies.

Are those the only ones you've seen so far? Go to his website and dig through his archives. Pretty much all of his interviews are gold, but he seems to take it to another level when he interviews rappers, especially Snoop Dogg. Also great are the ones where bands reveal themselves to be self-serious jerks who can't

Personally, I found Rises to be underwhelming. Some parts worked for me, but there was plenty that didn't.  Decidedly not on the same level as cancer. More like on the level of a franchise movie that didn't live up to the expectations raised by the preceding two installments.

Yeah, he manages to put a distintive stamp on an already heavily stylized show and he has a real knack for visual jokes. I'm thinking of the scene where they're discussing all the things they can't do in cigarette ads any more, and he's using all those techniques to shoot the scene.

Well the third Batman didn't really work out so well (although it was better than the third Spider-Man), so I don't know if that theory holds.


Don't make jokes about the band, @avclub-8c1bbcea199457b63dc39f7a024591f1:disqus . I'm Canadian.

Rush is such a fucking awful movie. The Clapton track is one of its lesser evils.

So you could say he's inscrutable?