
That Veronica Vaughn is one fine piece of bass!

Also: Stoned

Yeah, I saw The Templars cover an early Skrewdriver song live once. A friend asked them about it and the singer justified it by saying Skrewdriver were a completely different band early on and the fact that the Templar's bass player was black shut down any complaints pretty quick.

So we can have the conversation about how most skinheads aren't racist, ska and reggae are an integral part of skinhead culture, and white power music is usually referred to as RAC (Rock Against Communisim) (although there are some racist bands that do play straight up Oi!)? Sure, I love that one.

I'm sure there is, and I'm sure that person terrible.

Aw man I have such a soft spot for Hum. I used to think You'd Prefer an Astronaut would be one of my life-long favourites, but that album is so underproduced that as I get older and more refined in my own production values it loses the impact it had when I was in high school. The songs still still hold up though, but

Weezer - Blue Album. First CD I bought back in '94 and I still listen to it regularly. Its one of those albums that seems to change to suit whatever mood you happen to be in while you're listening.

What the fuck does that even mean?

He's pumpkininny!

No doubt. Does the fact that Adventure Time incorporates music a fair bit into their episodes make it less special than a musical Batman episode? But it's such an important episode of AD character-wise. And that Futurama episode is one of my personal faves too. I think I'll have to wait until I'm drunk tonight to cast

I think its from the movie Audition.

Ooh, when are you going to do Weezer - Blue Album?

Oh yeah. Me and some friends were in Seattle last weekend and we got back to the hotel after spending the afternoon walking around in the rain. Batman Retuns was some quality entertainment while we waited for our pants to dry before heading out for the night. Caught a few mins of Batman and Robin too, which is

Were they kind of bitter?

This morning I started out on the way to work listening to Capal STEEZ's mixtape, but when I got to the track that jacked the beat from All Caps I had to switch over and listen to Madvillainy instead. That shit never gets old.

I know we're here to give props to Tobias, but I got to give you credit for getting me to check that one out. Damn cool movie.

Dont apologize to anyone who follows that line of thinking.

Day after mine!

"more touches of hip-hop, house, and avant-garde jazz"….as opposed to the hip-hop, d'n'b and avant-garde jazz of Soul Coughing?