Jimmy MacNutty

I think everyone is forgetting that as excellent as Mad Men and Breaking Bad are (and I'm not saying they're not because I absolutely love them) still the best television show is The Wire. That's right, I think it's better than Sopranos, I'm one of 'those people'.

You people should just get DVR's so you can fast forward through all the commercials. Watching TV live is a thing of the past people!

It Only Takes a Second
If you've never seen this unintentionally hysterical safety video, please do yourself a favor and take a look. It's guaranteed to pick you up from the shittiest of days:

Early Deacon
I went to the same college as Dan Deacon and he was constantly performing on campus at all sorts of different venues. He's a really great guy and his passion for what he's doing is really contagious. If I was as motivated as Dan, I might be somewhere other than posting on this board right now.

Between this Film
and Beer League