Jimmy MacNutty

Man, you can't help but love these snarky, little write-ups chastising a film the writer hasn't seen, but has nonetheless cobbled together an opinion of based on a trailer the director had nothing to do with. Not defending Lee Daniels as a filmmaker whatsoever, but willing to give the benefit of the doubt because when

"For the 3% of you interested in classic film…" Wow, presumptuous much?

"For the 3% of you interested in classic film…" Wow, presumptuous much?

This is a pretty phenomenal movie and I'm glad to see Tobias and AVC giving it its due. Great stuff, Scott!

This is a pretty phenomenal movie and I'm glad to see Tobias and AVC giving it its due. Great stuff, Scott!

The biggest question is: will Vince finally get to play Joey Ramone - or whatever happened on that terrible, HBO show?

The biggest question is: will Vince finally get to play Joey Ramone - or whatever happened on that terrible, HBO show?

How the hell does this band qualify as "pop punk" with you, Hyden? Seriously?

I might be wrong, but wasn't the line, “to get back at me, because I’m helping Gus, and this is your way of ripping my heart out before YOU'RE dead and gone.” — I'm pretty sure it was, and if it was, that makes for a much more loaded statement considering we haven't heard much about the cancer these days…

Listen to the new record; there's nothing about girls not liking them.

I think it's probably just you.

These non-anamorphic, Laserdisc transfer editions are useless if you're watching off an actual flat-screen t.v. They look like garbage.

The Despecialized Editions are not whatever you're talking about. They're enhanced, 720p fan-restored editions of the original trilogy that look amazing when burned to a dual-layer DVD. Just google "Star Wars Despecialized Edition"

Everyone should just go online and find themselves all three films in the Despecialized Editions. Lots of tech work to get it burned, but totally worth it at the end of the day.

Don't you mean STEAMING?

I don't feel sorry for them. It was a dumb move. I'd drop discs all together if they could guarantee that their streaming content was eventually going to rise above shit other than National Lampoon boobs & beer comedies, shitty horror movies from  Dimension Extreme, bogus kids' cartoons made after 1992 and old

"Barnes & Noble hangs in there, but its stores never seemed like they
were stocked by people who liked books, the way Borders used to be."

For once I agree with, and am amused by, O'Neal's snark in the last few sentences of a Newswire update.

The guy's name is Kenneth Anger, fyi. Most notable for first being an incredible, American, avant-garde filmmaker. He's a Hollywood history gossip second.

This show continues to get better and better and I completely share Todd's surprise at how much I like the show. Good on you, Syfy Channel. Something to look forward to on Monday nights that's satisfying week after week.