
How wonderfully written. This is seriously some of Louie's best writing work.

Is this where I can profess my weird love for Louis CK? He writes a new stand up special every year, has time to create a new poetic and ambitious TV series, produces a bunch of new TV series, is working on a new movie that he's writing and directing this summer, and if he has time, will work on one of the great

I will watch anything and pay any amount of money for Louis CK.

Will there be an AV Club review of this? There really should be.

Like a lot of Louis' TV work, this is not for everybody. But for those who like his style, this is pretty AWESOME.

If Louis CK read the script for this movie and liked it enough to star in it, then it must be good.

I'm going to cancel my Netflix subscription if they dare to take away the cinematic masterpiece, Alvin and the Chipmunks: Frankenstein.

Well, the season was only 8 episodes. So it was hard to advertise an entire season.

I'm a HUGE and loyal Louie fan. But I don't think that the show has been as brilliant recently. And with such a crowded TV landscape, I worry that Louie will struggle to stand out. What does everyone else think?

The world of TV has gotten so crowded that Louie's season 5 buzz was less.

They really ruined this show. Remember how good it was in the early seasons?

I liked Louie

This article shows Jen Kirkman clarifying her comments on Louis CK too. She says that he never sexually harassed her, but was just creepy and too flirty.

"My water broke"
"Don't worry we'll get you another one"
I feel like I've heard this joke before. Still funny though.

I will never understand why people like Fallon so much. He's a nice a guy and all, but he is just not funny.

This is the best first season of a comedy that I've seen in a long time…

Couldn't have said it better. And I feel like Louie has a more dream-like quality.

I love Louie but I think Master of None's season 1 is better than Louie's season 1.

"Nolan" is probably Jason's real last name.

The first two episodes of the season weren't really that funny, but were rather trying to move the plot forward. But I was really happy to see this episode which was just flat-out hilarious. A-