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    he's arrogant… and also have a wronged victim complex. "The world is against me, therefore, I'm going to act out and destroy everything in my way." That's not a good way to live and he's my age, 25.

    I like the album
    Sure, its not radio friendly, but at least its cohesive, will age well, and its well written/produced/performed. I'd give it a "B+"

    Not going to see it. The first was subpar, the second was loud, stupid, and racist and I'm sure the third is going to involve the same stupid formula:

    The video is now blocked….
    Why does Warner Bros. NOT want the viewing public to see this clip?

    Crossing my fingers…
    …hoping that it's as funny as the red band trailer

    Is anyone really looking forward to this film?

    This season of GOT was one of the tightest ever seen on television. There were no fillers and every episode added something greater to the expanding story. I would like at least 13 episodes for season two, however, if they can't keep the story as cohesive/prevent filler then I will be just as happy for a