
The movie industry will probably never die, not as long as there are teenagers for whom a very dark room with few people in it and limited supervision is a plus rather than a minus. Still, I do think different theaters, and more options, would be a huge boon to the market. The mall multiplex system that kind of

I think you just outwrote me! It's nice to not feel like the over-explainer in the crowd for once.

Bigger families take a substantially higher hit, for sure, (I know some Catholic families who couldn't afford the movies until half their kids were grown up, and then it wasn't fair to the older ones) but $288 isn't anything to be sneered at for some people on it's own. Given that movies started out primarily as

I spent a lot of time on military bases as a kid, where movies were a couple of bucks, even if the theater only operated a few days a week. It meant a lot of planning, and god knows their business model wasn't profitable, but it still spoiled me for real life movies. Who can pay ten or twelve dollars a ticket on a

Forced sterilization is still a huge deal in America where you hear stories of Latina mothers being sterilized against their will in hospitals after births (up until the 70s in LA) or prisoners being offered reduced time if they agree to be sterilized (2017, Tennessee and a whole bunch of other times) within living

Sodas definitely don't help people, but I do know a lot of people with electrolyte issues, salt imbalances, or chronic dehydration who rely heavily on sports drinks, which are often lumped in with soda taxes. The medical benefits of sprite are thin on the ground, but gatorade can be a real boon if you have a certain

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Hi friends, and welcome to Guided Screaming. Guided Screaming can be a valuable part of your daily routine. It's proven to detoxify, remove stress, and help you come to terms with your feelings in a controlled, safe environment. Remember, Guided Screaming requires the three Ps. Patience, Privacy, and a Pillow.

Ensuring safety is probably what the weapons and mace were for then. Especially since there have been multiple reports of the Polo Shirt Brigade inciting attacks on counter protesters from the get go. Ugh

It already is resulting in direct harm, the ICE is cracking down on immigrants, leading to fear and mass evacuations from our country. Apparently people without documentation, or even just people who are Latino, are less likely to report crimes these days, including sexual assault. Police shootings are on record for

Indeed. I think often the point of the mob is to be dramatic, to make a point. Rarely does the democratic process get the attention it deserves, but you can always make waves with a big loud, public action. And in the face of the slog of bureaucracy, getting rid of your Confederate statues right now might seem

Well that's a great solution, at that point you do make the monument more about John Doe than about the other good surveyors who didn't kill people and therefore still deserve some recognition. Undermining their positive efforts and the original spirit of the monument to make it clear that this one guy did a bad thing

I mean, just in the US a lot of Vietnam war protests involved draft card burning, and that got a lot of attention. Protesters for homelessness rights will sometimes take action against what's called "hostile architecture" which prevents people from sleeping in cities, pourig concrete over spikes, that sort of thing.

Or just have movie characters wearing helmets more often! It can look cool, we promise. Hell, taking the time to grab a motorcycle helmet (or not and having to be reminded, ect) can be a good character beat. Yeah, it's corny, but this isn't a cartoon where executives are mandating you draw seatbelts or whatever,

In fairness, we have a lot of precedent for productively destroying property (Berlin Wall, that Boston Tea Party the Republicans just love to go on about) but less for productively destroying, uh, people. Of course logic doesn't work on some folks.

I think the point was to humiliate the guy in the hopes that other people in similar situations WON'T be sued in the future. An interesting choice, but certainly one with merits and it's easy to see how she wanted to make a statement but also never have to deal with this guy again. Symbolic actions are rarely

On one hand it's good that she won, on the other hand, she shouldn't have had to go through this at all. That's a horrible process for any person who's been assaulted and the fact that she was subjected to it on the word of a scumbag (who's only defense was victim blaming) is pretty awful. I really hope this prevents

The Color Formerly Known As "Sort of a Medium Plum? A Violet? I Don't Know Man, I Don't Work At Crayola"

My dad pointed out the other night while we were arguing, Nazis in America have been doing this for a long time. WWII was a rough patch for them, but they recovered. They have a lot of legal precedent for their "right to free speech" (blech) on their side. They've been biding their time, holding little marches in

Also according to the explanation Ernie gave, they were literally designed for "whistleblowers". Which makes them pretty secure but also hard to get into if you lose your code. I feel like there should be an option between "trying to take down a government" and "I want my Facebook account associated with this". Won't