
You're right, absolutely right. However the problem is when that attraction turns into dangerous behaviors that then start impacting not only adults but also minors. It's one thing to make eye-contact with a nice young lady on the train and not think about her exact age. Even just a preference is pretty natural,

That being said, age of menstruation has also dropped significantly over the years according to many scientific studies, and the simple fact that young mothers are more likely to die in childbirth than slightly older ones means that there has always been incentive to wait. The history of human sexuality is complex,

I'm actually related to him! Along with at least half the people with the middle name Tyler south of the Mason-Dixon line, as far as I can tell. The man had over a dozen children. As far as presidential ancestors go, he's kind of awful, your standard moderately racist, plantation family Virginian. Plus, he wasn't even

Obviously it should be in a box on a podium where it will be worth 200,000$

You can't set a show in England without having at least one Mary.Often an elderly one. The Mary void will be filled, mark my words.

Next season on the Great British Baking Show, the moment we've all been waiting for… Mary Berry uses a swear words and Paul has a fidget spinner.

She's definitely been playing up the images and iconography since Lemonade and it's beautiful. Contrasted with the brighter pops and saturated yellows and blues of her pregnancy photos this one is a little more natural, more toned down, but still very bright. It reminds me a little of religious imagery from the south,

France beat LePen. Now they have the right to complain about all the horrible things Macron is doing, just like the Germans have the right to complain about Merkel's homophobia. Once you've stopped one monster, you start addressing the problems within your own ranks. America screwed up and therefore has to elect

Good rule of thumb, when you say something and it's wrong, be willing to reassess. Listen if someone says, "Hey, that's a hurtful thing", then try not to say it again to them. People will (and should) be forgiving if you nod, apologize, and move on.

See, just in the primaries, Christie came across as an absolute imbecile to me, and he's definitely made a lot of mistakes as a result of the presidential debacle. My parents liked him for a while, and I have no doubt he was popular in New Jersey, but being able to win over middle aged centrists and Jersey-folk is a

They're worried the impeachment proceedings will turn up too much of THEIR dirty laundry, and ruin their new voter base of rabid right wingers. Pence doesn't have the charisma of an elderly rhinoceros and he's got no hope of winning hearts and minds. At least Donald keeps them in the news for now and has a lot of

Ironically letting Christie get the VP seat might have guaranteed Jared his revenge, the man is even less sophisticated then Pence and definitely couldn't stand up to a Senate hearing without committing seven kinds of perjury. Of course it'll come around to him in time anyways. Round and round the corruption wheel

In fairness, the whole American imperialism thing was never a great look. Getting rid of it might be for the best. The thousands of people who might die due to lack of competent refugee management, the ongoing issue with policing, and the destruction of healthcare are out of luck though.

And many more where the penalty for voting against the state choice was either negligible or could easily have been challenged in state constitutional courts. A few thousand bucks of crowd funding or a court battle would have been preferable to laying down and allowing a monster into the highest office in America.

It's much more acceptable for rich young Republican women to wear makeup, which is a terrible shame because Eric could use whatever tacky airbrushed on new-money thing Ivanka is rocking with her clunky jewelry and jewel tones. It's clearly very heavy, but it's working with her cheekbones.

It also taught young people that their vote could and did make Theresa May publicly apologize, and that's a powerful lesson for them to learn. A ton of people registered to vote, a ton of people in younger demographics (who tend to swing Labour) voted, and they got to see actual measurable

Nearby maids, sometimes unfortunately the unpaid sex workers of their time.

That's more of an issue with the American healthcare system than anything else. I never saw people having those problems when I was in England, and there certainly weren't signs on the wall about the many ways you could help pay for your life-saving treatment.

Faith healing abuse cases are terrible and so common. I read one book about a big, extended case about them in the Pacific Northwest that was just horrifying. These were children dying, slowly and surely of completely preventable causes, because their parents wanted them too. Worse, this book really put an emphasis on

Exactly. While there is some wiggle room from herd immunity to accommodate people who legitimately can't get vaccinated, the list of people who really aren't eligible is pretty short and little Caitleighnynn probably isn't on it. Even I'm not on it despite being a mystery zebra, because as you said, most vaccines are