
Also, also! Thoughts about how fusion makes relationships real but also makes their problems real and tangible. When you are the personification of the Power of Love, it makes sense that other things would get a little more solid too. Oof. Murder me, Rebecca Sugar.

Right off the bat, this was a gorgeous episode. They brought in animators from some fancy pants studio and it shows. Absolutely lovely. The soft blues, the mindscape, the shimmering butterflies (which showed up in Beach City Drift and Alone Together as well, because the Crewniverse is full of mad geniuses)

Not to mention her BFF/arguable lesbian lover, Ninshubar, or the fact that she was the subject of basically one of the earliest pieces of authored literature in known history,

It's called optimism and at this point I'm really wondering why you're still watching the show.

The earth fulfills the role of a paragon to aspire to, while Gem society is the one to be deconstructed. Since overall the theme of the show is to build up, rather than tear down (see Bismuth and Rose's argument) it makes sense that they wouldn't focus on major human conflicts directly, instead human problems are

Seven lions! It ties back to mythology about Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love and war. Rose just keeping getting compared to a heavenly being, something greater than any mere man/gem.

If you're a screenwriter you should recognize the power of suspension of belief, and how worlds don't always have to perfectly parallel our own. There's merit in deconstruction, but there's equal benefits to taking the story for what it is, a story about a world far different from our own, with people who act

You can't Too Edgy up Steven Universe, buddy. It has fun with the world as it is and doesn't bother with the RealPolitik, the entire point is gentleness and the power of the earth in the face of the worst in people.

Beach City has really good insurance, so maybe it was finally rebuilt.

The power of leaks. I swear, every SU episode comes out three days early at this point.

I'm assuming it's the orange gem Centipeedle drew giving her orders during Trauma Crayon time. You have to figure there were some intermediate commanders during the war.

Presumably there's a lot of descriptions and other information in the book that got cut from the narrative we see, it's sort of necessity when it comes to translating text-to-screen. We saw Connie and Steven skipping around, so we're getting the bare bones of the story.

"Forget homework!" Same, Connie.

Possibly since Jasper got the second hand version and hasn't been dealing with it for millennia Steven can work through her issues more easily. If corruption is a bio-weapon, or a computer virus, Jasper got infected with a diluted mixed-up strain, her symptoms present differently from other corrupted gems with the

From one emotional crutch to another, baby! At least Peridot has started basing her self worth on one of her intrinsic characteristics, rather than an outside force.

Peridot has that handy visor protecting her from the fact that she falls on her face all the time.

I think my point here is that a cure isn't necessarily going to come in a magic elixir or Steven's spit. Their minds are hurting, not their bodies, and there is no magic pill for that. You can help a little, yes, but ultimately what you need IS time. Locking the gems away cushions them from danger and keeps them from

As Bismuth demonstrated, bubbling isn't actually solving the problem, it's just putting the problem in a bubble. It's understandable for the gems, they don't like to see their compatriots hurting, but I'm hoping Steven will bring some more solutions oriented thinking to the table. Patience and empathy clearly bring

Yeah, but their default response is to poof and bubble, which has got to be pretty traumatic for the poor monsters. They never try to relocate or reason with. Turquoise in this episode isn't hurting anyone if not confronted, and they still go after her, if half heartedly. And Gem Hunt shows they go out of their way to

"They aren't dumb, they just think differently!" Now that's a lesson children need to learn if I ever heard one. Kids aren't as innocent as you think they are, like Peridot they can be quick to dismiss or insult things they don't understand or behaviors that disagree with their understanding of the world. Kids can be