
Losing Franz has hurt the live performance a bit, Stuck between Stations and Sequestered in Memphis sound a bit weird without keys but I like the direction the band are heading.

My rough stab at a 12 song Hold Steady greatest hits album:

Sweet part of the city and we can get together are really really good songs. I also really enjoy a slight discomfort. It's funny how it's the three most off type songs are the ones I like the most from that album. The rest of it's just filler to me although Rock Problems is a good live number.

I've seen them 3 times and I've never seen "Resurrection" which is my regret. It's my favourite songs. :(.

I think it's almost a blessing that Franz left as the songs were starting to sound a bit too similar. I feel the reason Heaven is at the bottom of a lot of people's lists is because songs like "Soft in the centre" and "Our whole lives" feel like tired versions of songs from BAGIA and stay positive.

1. Separation Sunday
2. Boys and Girls in America
3. Almost Killed Me
4. Stay Positive
5. Teeth Dreams
6. Heaven is Wherever

It's funny how the band aid songs are a snap shot of the British music pop scene. You look back at the 2004 version and a lot of those "artists" involved are no where near as popular as they were and some have quit the music industry.

That lyric from hoodrat is one of the best. I love the guitars coming in at the end of it, it's just so much energy.

This is how the Jets should of been playing this season. Good run game, a turnover free and steady game from the offense and a competent performance from the secondary.

He's actually looking pretty good. Had over 100 yards receiving against KC. Had another solid game this week, he adds a much needed spark to the Jets offense.