
I can't even believe there even IS an argument about the movie glorying him. People seem to be fine with Goodfellas and the gangsters it shows…but for some reason this was off-bounds?

Why? Just…why?

I found this movie mostly un-watchable. There are so many scenes of nothing happening, just letting the camera scan the scenery, I guess. There is not so much in the way of pay-off, either. It would have made a fine 5-10 minute short, and I'm sure it no doubt inspired other filmmakers like Michel Gondry…but its not

The Indoor Kids:
Pick #1: "Orange Is The New Black"
Pick # 2: Luminosity…brain testing games
Pick #3: Peggle for Xbox One
Pick #4: Super Mario 3D World for the Wii U

Then you've been missing out on some of the most flat-out
entertaining movies of the past decade…The Departed, Inglorious Bastards, Tree Of Life, and Moonrise Kingdom are just a few that come to mind.

Wrong answer…Definitely Sideways, second would be The Descendants.

Just saying, it was sort of a pot calling the kettle black situation, going on.

Says the guy with a My Little Pony avatar…

The nightlife is much more sort of sporadic and unpredictable than in a large city, for instance (for instance, I've been living in NYC for the past few years, and the differences are quite noticeable). There's even a really good music scene, but it doesn't get much press outside of the area, besides a few acts.

I mean, that's all well and good and all if you live in Chicago, I guess…but why would the rest of us care about it (referring to this article specifically, not necessarily your comment about it)?

I have no opinion on the new Batman movie either way (I didn't see
it, out of pure lack of interest)…but I gave you an upvote for your
comment about the auto-play feature.

@avclub-8d2583b317ce1bd4962cec8605c5676a:disqus why do you appreciate that your local chain shows all movies in 2D and 3D, if even you admit that all except certain animated ones are not worth the extra cost?

You seem like a man with a need to rant (never mind the lack of solid logic behind said rants).  Its people like you who ruin the Internet experience for everyone else.

Having such a knee-jerk reaction to rap is definitely very subtle racism.

I agree with Dowd, if this is in fact what he was saying.

Alright Sean, here's the way I see it…

It could be…but in this case, it being Larry David, its not!

I suppose if we shoehorn our own fan-logic to tie these kind of pretty blatant plot holes together…than, yeah, this theory is conceivable.


It's called jealousy.