Rex Murphy

I second the Granville Island brand, though I prefer the maple cream ale. It beats the overrated Big Rock beers I had to deal with living in Calgary for many years.

What about the DVDs?
I still love the current run of The Simpsons, but I wish Fox would speed up the DVD releases. I miss the days when I bitched that two sets a year was too slow (though I appreciate the care given considering every episode, good or bad, as a commentary recorded). Since the movie was released

My friend had most of the old Sierra games (King's Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, etc.) and they were a lot of fun, even if I only sat beside him, never allowed to actively participate (damn you, Ian Fuchs!). My girlfriend recently downloaded the original Leisure Suit Larry game and my memories

I've seen and enjoyed a few of Miyazaki's films, but I wouldn't call myself an anime fan. I did grow up with the 80s colour Astro Boy series and when it came out on DVD many years ago, nostalgia won out and I bought the set. Unfortunately, the series didn't hold up to my adult critical faculties (and apparently there

I think Rod Serling's uneven horror anthology Night Gallery is still the benchmark for the handful of horror anthologies made in the last few decades.

I always snuck downstairs after my bedtime to watch TFTD—as others have noted, there was just something just right about a morbid horror anthology with virtually no budget. I remember a Christmas-themed episode where a child's grandparents create a scary yuletide story about some creature, only to have said fictitious

YPF (AKA Young People Fucking)
I am going to watch this funny Canadian sex comedy before I have to start analyzing the election results for the CBC tonight.

The Flash
When I was a kid I really loved the short-lived Flash TV series—very influenced by the Tim Burton Batman film. I bought the DVD set and while it's a bit creaky, it's still plenty of fun. I've heard many rumours as to its cancellation: its high per-episode cost, getting regularly clobbered by the Cosby Show

Yes, Parker Stevenson as the eccentric scientist-turned-investigator! I was even younger and I loved that show!

Apparently Millennium was cancelled to make room for Chris Carter's other series, the brief Harsh Realm. Millennium was the only post-X-Files series to garner solid ratings on Friday nights for Fox. While I wasn't a fan of the third and final season, revisiting the DVD sets is always fun: I don't think there's been a

I have the DVD set sitting on a shelf unopened—maybe it's time I revisited this strange little series.

Canada is still a socialist paradise (despite the minority Conservative government), thus tax incentives and funding for the arts (although the government is howling over tax credits for the film Young People Fucking)—I have received some of this funding (a Canada Council grant), so I'm biased!

I'd Rather watch The Nude Bomb
I hated nearly every gimmicky 60s sitcom featuring witches, genies, talking horses and castaways, but Get Smart was a sly satire and spy spoof. This is yet another tepid TV show remake—Pete Segal, hack for hire, is a dead giveaway. If you want entertaining mediocrity, might I suggest Don

Bod Diddley was a true original and the best way we can honour his memory is to continue to play his awesome music. I'm going to listen to Bo and get tanked tonight.

Please ignore—computer glitch.

I'll always remember Sydney Pollack as a filmmaker, thanks to Tootsie and Three Days of the Condor.

While I'm not a big Pollack fan, I've always had a soft spot for Tootsie and Three Days of the Condor. Out of Africa was also one of the first movies I saw on cable.

No, Supernatural is not as good as Buffy or Angel, but I think it's a fun horror show that provides solid chills. And there aren't many horror-themed programs still on the air (I don't count Reaper).

and supernatural
It's the best weekly horror fix since the end of Buffy and Angel.

Smallville is still a guilty pleasure for me, but would somebody please burn that ridiculous red jacket and blue shirt ensemble Welling wears each week? Yes, we get it: he wears red and blue primarily, just like his future costume.