There's an Elmore Leonard novel where one Detroit homicide detective asks the other "Do you thank God the way I do that they're always stupid or stoned?"
There's an Elmore Leonard novel where one Detroit homicide detective asks the other "Do you thank God the way I do that they're always stupid or stoned?"
I loved that trailer. Intercutting movie footage with real life news and protest footage set to Once in a Lifetime by Talking Heads.
Mayyyyyyybe Wonder Woman will be good……hopefully.
Doctor Strange and Tom Wolfe are friends in 616 cannon!
You know, John Millius punched up the Jaws script.
We can make fun of millennials because they are…..poor? Not as racist or homophobic as other generations?
"The dead hooker in the alley with a needle in her arm is this universe's version of Batgirl. We just thought it would be a fun little cameo!"
But in a twist, the oppressed Negrons are white. Really makes you think…
Yeah, I know how you feel. My dog won't get out of my favorite chair.
It is too bad this movie is getting panned and is apparently terrible, because I just started reading the first volume of the John Ostrander run from the 80s for the first time, and it is freaking awesome! Ethical debates! Violence appropriate to the tone and characters! The Wall! Captain Boomerang being delightfully…
Or, as the Weekly Planet podcast pointed out, it was more like his underpaid assistant gave them to her underpaid assistant. Look at all the acting he's doing!
I guess we will never know who shot REDACTED in the last scene……
And I really appreciated that the villain wasn't going to blow up Earth (because that's where the audience lives!). They trusted us to realize that millions of innocent people dying is still bad, even if the Golden Gate bridge doesn't get destroyed.
And X-Men movies, all filmed in that one Canadian forest.
Yep, the trailers made it look like mindless action, but ultimately it was about what the Federation stands for, which is good to define, as people who are only familiar with the new movies might not *get* the basic optimism in Star Trek and what makes it so special.
The original Sabotage music video (and Beavis and Butthead's commentary on it) was pretty great to begin with….
"Human Twilight Zone Music"
John Huston's devil? As in his character in Chinatown?
Mads Mickleson as Hannibal Lecter in Hannibal. He's able to corrupt and destroy everyone he touches without them realizing it.
Is Corey Feldman in there too?