Dumbledore Calrissian

I have to say, it really is bizarre reading early Superman comics when he was "the champion of the oppressed" and was a giant bully sticking up for the oppressed by tormenting the rich. He reads less as Ronald Reagan and more as if Woody Guthrie or John Steinbeck had super powers and could interrupt a cocktail party

I've actually had a friend argue "Superman isn't boring, YOU'RE boring."

He may hate super heroes (i.e.everything non-pornographic that he has ever written) but from Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow, For the Man Who Has Everything, and his run on Supreme, the man clearly loves Superman.

Somebody else very succinctly put it that "Superman is the god who would be man, Luthor is the man who would be God."

Naw, we don't want your money. The money of 14-35 year old men is way more valuable! Cable! Deadpool! Spawn! Manga Spawn! Venom! Serial Killer Venom! Metallica!

Captain America is bascially Superman without any powers. How balls out crazy awesome is that?

What if it is just him surfing around, reflecting on human frailty and the capacity for goodness in Stan Lee approved philosophical monologues for 90 minutes?

The best part of Man of Steel was the scene where he learns to fly. But I can understand that people forgot that between psycho Pa Kent and 9/11 Metropolis.

His other weakness? Caring about others. You don't have to kill him, you can defeat him by hurting or killing anyone because he cares about EVERYONE.

And they miss the point that Superman is what every little kid playing with bed sheets was pretending he or she was being and then they wonder how they can make him 'relatable.'

Also, it reminds me of Joel Silver asking Kevin Smith if he can do Superman and "lose the faggy cape."

Why does Superman need knee pads?

"Okay crew, let's set out on our mission exploring the galaxy!"

We really don't deserve something this awesome. Well, I do, I don't know about the rest of you.

Like, the tone of his voice tells me that it is supposed to be funny, but he's just talking about alien food and shit.

*Captain Kirk straightens hair, pops in a breath mint*

His bland, beefy white guy character has been replaced with a bland, beefy black guy character.

Rickety Cricket turns to supernatural means to finally get revenge on the Gang.

He tampered in God's domain.

From Shaenon's Monster of the week comic strip.