Dumbledore Calrissian

The Demon Wall might be the hardest Final Fantasy boss I ever fought. I think it ended my first play through - I didn't finish the game until the PS1 port came out. And he was hard when he showed up again in FF VII and XII. Any other appearances by it?

I'm glad Barry had the sense to forgive him, because everyone on these shows is always so over-sensitive and vindictive.

And she has super human hearing! Or maybe STAR Labs is just very cavernous and echoing.

In the 19th Century, before public parks, there were private parks for rich people. Working class people went to graveyards to have their family picnics Sunday afternoon. So public parks were built so that the filthy poors would stay away from the elaborate, expensive marble monuments for rich people's loved ones.

Just imagine, an entire planet made of coal!

"That….did not happen."

Yet being human inherently gives you the wherewithal to make allusions to Shakespeare and Zola without any prior education!

I just found out that Detective Manners from Jose Chung was a tribute to director Kim Manners, who apparently had a similarly 'colorful phraseology.'

I think it is difficult to determine just how influential Darin Morgan is to genre tv. X-Files itself was pretty revolutionary, but when I first saw Humbug, it was unlike anything I had ever seen. X-Files worked very, very hard in the early goings to establish its mood and tone by presenting absurd stories seriously

"Was that the boogeyman?"

Like Biff Tannen getting covered in manure.

Yeah, between the 11 minute run time and the super deformed designs, this is just the Justice League version of Teen Titans Go.

I don't know if it was successful or epic, but The Nativity Story had a primarily non-white cast, including Keisha Castle-Hughes (Maori), Oscar Issac (Guatemalan) and Alexander Siddig (Sudanese).

"I may not play by your rules, but when I see a bunch of wierdos in togas stabbing someone in broad daylight, I shoot first and ask questions later!"

"I am not a Frency! I am a Belgie!"

"Unfortunately, he had blueberries in his pocket. The gorillas went wild, tossing him around like a rag doll, trying to get at the blueberries. He was torn to pieces…"

Captain Cold found out before Iris!

I don't remember, but I think he based the protagonist, Ransom, on J. R. R. Tolkien.

One of the best recent media depictions of Satan was Hannibal in Hannibal. No angst there, just a detached intellectual curiosity about how much he can push people into committing awful actions. At one point, he literally flips a coin about whether or not he should save someone or let them die.