Dont Like Granola

None of us liked the three year delay. But it gave us not only, imo, the best Zelda ever, but quite possibly one of the best games ever made. It's a masterpiece. Nobody wanted a repeat of Skyward Sword.
To paraphrase Black Dynamite: "Maaan, Nintendo put this new Zelda game out, and they put their ANKLES into it!".

I loved "In Search Of…." with Nimoy!! It was so cool seeing Spock talk about the creepy issues of the 70's (Bigfoot! Killer Bees! Cults!) with the weird synth music in the background. Loved it. Thankfully, the whole series is on YouTube.

I understand that, and I think it's a good thing. But why do we jump to the racism/sexism charge automatically just because there's not? With those two guys?

Hell yeah, and a movie about the accountant dude, H Dawg, was that his name? I still want the flea market style RIP Tupac shirt they made for him.

Sooo, fascism on a small local scale is a good response to fascism on a global scale?
Shutting down free speech is not a good way to go about getting rid of speech that you don't like. Every time a Trump voter turns on the TV and see's the Black Bloc'ers or anitfa or whatever they're called this week trashing public

I don't think it's a stretch that more than a few people who view themselves as "progressive" would balk at the chance to kill a Trump voter. Maybe not a family member, but just an anonymous "alt right" type person. I mean, what's more "truth to power" than "I just killed your ass"?
But no, a second civil war would

"Hey, I heard this thing has the yugest crow's nest on it, where's it at? Is it downstairs?"

Sure, and Carlin would respond with something along the lines of "they're a bunch of knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, inbred backwoods morons. THESE are the people you're letting get under your skin? If you're allowing them to do that, then the answer is: get some fuckin' thicker skin."
The man couldn't stand the

Damn. I though Republicans were the only ones who stuck their fingers in their ears and went "naaah naaaah can't hear you!!".

You think maybe it could be that those 'white' guys Oliver & Colbert hired might be really fucking good at writing jokes?
I'm sure you've never wondered why there are so many black guys in the NFL and NBA. Of course not, because it's obvious those guys are really fucking good at playing football and basketball.

I think Carlin, champion of free speech that he was, would be deeply ashamed and embarrassed for what we've become.
He'd rip the Right to shreds of course. But he'd lay the fuck into the new Left as well. "THEY'RE JUST FUCKING WORDS!!!!"
Goddamn we could use a guy like that now.

Yes, I know the graphics tech is better and that they are 'simulating' a game from an earlier era.
Nintendo has never been about photorealistic 3D worlds, and their designers and artists have done quite well with the tech they've been given. Look at Pikmin 3 or Mario Kart 8, and tell me they don't look every bit as

The only innovations "gamers" care about are better graphics. That's it. Anything that doesn't fit in their narrow view of what a company is 'supposed' to offer them is seen as an insult.
I'm 46, and video games have been a part of my entire life, from the first time my dad found a stool for me to stand so I could

Is Zelda the only Nintendo franchise you like?
There were quite a few really good games for the Wii U, but if Zelda's the only Big N franchise you like, then yeah. It wasn't for you.

Oh I thought you were doing the "one's fake" thing. Good lineup of bands, though.
I guess mine would be:
1. Robert Plant
2. Grateful Dead
3. Allman Brothers Band
4. Little Feat
5. Jerry Garcia Band
6. Pink Floyd
7. Widespread Panic
8. Jimmy Page & Robert Plant
9. B.B. King
10. moe.

Bob Dylan. You're a fan of prog and southern jam bands, but not the Bard.

Lots of people do. Look at the indie game explosion: two of its biggest hits, Braid and Shovel Knight (hell, I'll throw Binding of Isaac in there as well), feature throwback NES/SNES 2D graphics and were all huge success stories. People went apeshit for the mini NES. Used copies of some Gamecube games still sell

Yep. Sony & Microsoft lose money on each console sold, esp. the first two or three years they're out. Nintendo turns on profit on each hardware unit from day one, and always has. They're gonna be fine.

I'd add, to your last paragraph about Activision, EA, etc. that releasing incomplete games is a problem. If the game requires a day 1 patch, and then one the following week, then it was released unfinished. Yet somehow Nintendo got BOtW, with it's massive open world, to market without the need for constant updates

WIIGHAZI!!! Never forget!!!