Dont Like Granola

It probably was good he didn't. I need to rewatch it.

Yeah, I gotcha.
But usually the "real" bad guys in his movies, as opposed to the 'normal' characters, are shown or implied doing something really heinous. You've got the pawn shop guys in "Pulp", the assassin gang in KB that tries to murder a pregnant woman, Leo in "Django", hell, fuckin Hitler in "IG".
She just didn't

That's fucked.

It killed me when MS did that, but I've taken great glee in the years since that they have yet to do anything as acclaimed as DKC or KI. The sweet, sweet tears of buyer's remorse.

Mother & Mother 3, probably not. But I'm pretty sure they sold the fuck out of Earthbound when it finally showed up on the Wii U VC.
And "if", because of licensing issues for Squeenix or whatever, it becomes just Nintendo games, it's a definite lock.

It helped that both had an install base viable for that approach. Once it became a three way race, that shit was over.
Now the big 2 release consoles that are virtually identical, Nintendo does it's own thing and gets (for the most part, hopefully Switch'll be different) shunned for it, and we live in a world of 90%

Agree completely.
Not sure how "dishonest" it is, I just think it's a marker of a really shitty asshole who is 1. greedy as fuck, and 2. wants to make life harder for the people who actually want to use these things.
One of the worst aspects of 'geek culture' is the desire to buy something meant to be used/played with,

Yeah, Warriors were buck nasty. I always tended to go with Charlotte (Mourning & Johnson), Houston (Olajuwon & Maxwell) or the Sonics (Kemp & Schrempf).
Great game, but between that & Mortal Kombat II, I never got around to finishing a lot of the really great RPG's on that system.

As someone who's been a Nintendo fan since dropping my first quarter in a Donkey Kong machine in 81, I sadly have to agree with you here.

I'd still get the occasional nerd fist bump for wearing the T-shirt (it came boxed with the copy I bought) as of a few years ago.
Then I gave it to my daughter when she left for college, and I hope she still has it, but probably doesn't.

"Welcome to Costco, Tesla. I love you."

That's funny as fuck!

Both. It lasted for two weeks, and now I'm like, fuck that.

Nah, I agree with you on most points. I should probably rewatch it. It just didn't click with me first time through, but neither did Jackie Brown or KBII.

What she did was never shown. So yeah, Russell's character could have been full of shit.

A voice of fucking reason, holy fuck!

Sadly, for the time period, that was probably acceptable.
It's never shown what evil thing(s) she did to deserve being beaten on her way to being hung, but maybe, like your example, that was all the more realistic to the setting.

Oranangutan? Like "right turn Clyde"?

Oh come on. It's fun. Usually.

I don't how the stunt car thing works in Hollywood, but I hope most of them are replicas. If not, they tore up some badass cars in this one, let alone the F&F movies.