Tom Select

Agree totally, it was really hard to identify with the supposed sufferings of an incredibly handsome hero who has amazing experiences with a beautiful, tight-knit group of cool kids. But what I really couldn't buy was that despite everyone being hip enough to perform the Rocky Horror Picture Show, somehow they are

I kind of wanted to hate on this for the relentless hype machine but then it started playing and I gave myself over to the cheesy bombast. I honestly don't know why they went to all the effort with the expensive ad campaign, it's not like people were unaware of the existence of daft punk. They should have just dropped

Also went with a C. When I saw the puppets at the end of last week's episode I assumed it was because they had thought of doing a full episode but rejected the idea as stupid.

wait this post is too clinical, for the record I think this album sounds amazing

2 listens in, I feel that this is an album that should have been released in 1993 (I'm pretty sure that's the year the album art references?), but even so it's great to hear MBV again. And even though the past few years have seen a slew of shoegaze-referencing bands rise to prominence, I don't hear anyone doing what

this is the most exciting album I've heard in years. As good as Spiritualized is (and it's a great album), it's nothing you haven't heard from them before. yeah a lot of the appeal of 'the money store' is that it comes out of left field, but I agree that the quality is there as well. We'll definitely be talking about

When did the music in Mad Men get all Godfather-esque? Or has it always been that way and I haven't noticed?

This inventory seems to be influenced by (or outright ripping off?) NPR's Drum Fill Friday. In any event, give it a whirl, it's pretty fun. http://www.npr.org/blogs/al…

yep that was pretty weak. One or two great episodes aside this whole season has been pretty mediocre, which is frustrating given what the show is capable of. I'm starting to think the whole near-cancellation trauma has given the show some kind of identity crisis, it doesn't seem to know what it wants to be or who it's

snuck beer into the theater and watched John Carter. It exceeded all expectations (didn't it get terrible reviews?) and succeeded at being good pulpy fun. I was expecting Avatar levels of shittiness, but turns out Riggins in space is pretty fun.

I also thought this was a solid episode, and one of the best of the series. I guess I should disclose that I, too, have been drinking. But I think this was definitely better than last week's episode.