Snitchen Randy

Thirded. Flophouse has slowly become my favorite podcast.

Hi. I would appreciate it if avclub.com did not use the term "community" in the text of an article that is not about community at all. I am annoyed because this article now appears in my (Snitchenrandy's) custom created avclub feed that selects news stories about community and the community fandom and presents them to

Unless if you're comparing the band Wire to The Wire: so long as you stop at the similarities between the names, I think you've made a pretty apt comparison.

"Oh man, where do I start? First of all, I think …“Drive By” is… likeable… Embrace this monster, GK; join me in…rewarding them by putting this…on the radio." - Steve Hyden

So, Sean O'Neal is really just Amelie Gillette using a deep voice, right?

"I love The Wire, the episodes are the right length." - Mitt Romney

So…three years after this review was published, I think it's now fair to say that Chris Martins is history's greatest monster.

Officer Carver
You gonna shoot me Officer Carver? Huh? You gonna shoot me now?

"Within Six, there stirs the soul of a dark artist."

Why are the UCB people doing a sitcom that ISN'T based around Little Donny?

House of Fallen Leaves
Lucas went all Johnny Truant's mother on their asses.

Yep. That one song sounds like it was written by a middle schooler fantasizing about being picked on in high school.

This review still pisses me off.

The Frank Black song has an incredible energy to it.

At Midnight I Will Murder Patton Oswalt with a Shovel
But not really.

Prezbo can you order me candy?
Dey be Zombies.

Does anyone else think Tom Delay looks like Chris Cooper's character in American Beauty?

Finally, this book is a movie.

Hey, don't make me a target just for speaking my mind. MBS is, presumably, mature enough to Shake it off anyway.

Play along or Take a Walk.