
I can't believe that I'm the first horny geek to point out that Comfort in “The Last Rites Of Jeff Myrtlebank” was played by Sherry Jackson, gorgeous in this episode but better remembered as the android Andrea in the original Star Trek "What Are Little Girls Made Of?"  

Thank you.  I've been scrolling though waiting for somebody to mention that Comfort was played by Sherry Jackson, who was pretty damn va-va-va-voom as the android Andrea in Star Trek. 

There was an episode like that in the 80s Twilight Zone.  It was called "Need to Know."  A Mulder and Scully-type duo investigate insanity that is spreading through a small town.  It turns out that someone stumbled on the meaning of life—a single, short sentence that drives anyone who hears it ax-crazy. 

Are you the Happiest Sadist?

Are you the Happiest Sadist?

Ok, first off it's not incestuous to have sex with your second cousin. You can get married to your second cousin anywhere in the world.  It basically means that the two of you share one set of great-grandparents.

I'd bow to the will of the Intendant any day of the week.  TMI?

"Paladin of the Lost Hour," "Her Pilgrim Soul," "Monsters," "The Last Defender of Camelot,"… there were quite a few good ones, actually.