
That is so true!  I hadn't thought about that!  I wonder if she'll pop back up somewhere along the way.

As to the question of the Tesselator appearing to regenerate, willing suspension of disbelief???

@ Baron Van Marlon
Well stated!  I agree wholeheartedly!

Hope so!

Loved that.  Might not have been identification, per se, but it would certainly make anyone take notice!

Hmmm.  There were several references.  Let's see if I can remember any….

I was wondering about that, too.  There's certainly been plenty of allusions to the two of them possibly being married, starting off with Silence in the Library when they're told they're bickering like an old married couple.  That's also Amy's guess when she first meets River.  As for whether they are or aren't,

I think it's just getting started, too.  Watching this episode, when they got to the wedding scene it seemed like it was bookending the Silence in the Library — what with the appearance of The Doctor telling River his name.  But, in typical Moffat style, the episode progressed in such a way that the story arc was not

I didn't see the reference as a joke at all — more as a confirmation that Amy had effectively moved past her adoration of/dependence on The Doctor…

I loved The Doctor's Wife, and enjoyed this one, but in the great scheme of things it felt like just marking time while waiting to get to episodes which will reveal more information about the major story arcs still in process….  Which weren't even mentioned in this ep, unfortunately.  If there were any clues evident

I found it jarring that Melody was not mentioned at all, considering how upset they all were when the flesh baby dissolved.  For them to just move blithely along without any reference or comment seemed strange.  But, I attribute it to the change in scheduling.  Seems like maybe they could have put SOMETHING in,

Or maybe I'm thinking of dampers on the TARDIS??  But anyways, I do remember that there was something new about the sonic screwdriver that River knew about that the Doctor wasn't familiar with yet….

I can remember one scene where improvements on the screwdriver is discussed:  In Forest of the Dead or Silence in the Library, River tells the Doctor to use the dampers on the sonic screwdriver and he says it doesn't have them.   She responds that "it will do, someday," and shows him the new and improved version.  So,

I recently read the novel QandA, which casts all of Q's interactions with humanity in a new light. Personally, I thought it was cleverly done. (The episodes with Q have always been some of my favorites, so I will admit to being predisposed to enjoying it. :-)

I noticed that plot hole, too, and spent the next few moments going, "Why don't they just strip her of her powers and be done with it?" But then, that would have been a very short episode, wouldn't it?

Hardy, har, har! :-P

@ Sir Doctor of TARDIS
You're right — there was a Silence watching the killing scene, which all happened before the younger Doctor joined them and they went back to 1969 and began the revolution against the Silence. So, perhaps it's one of those time being rewritten things? When they get to that time again, maybe the

It seemed like maybe there was writing on both the side of the crib and on the foot of the crib? But there was something else weird about the whole name thing — River tells Amy several contradictory things about reading the writing from 'there's a delay' to 'concentrate hard' to 'it's Gallifreyan so it won't

What's the old saying? Discretion is the better part of valor, or something like that? The Doctor's certainly proven that — why fight and risk bloodshed when retreat is possible and an acceptable option? It's certainly a long-running theme of the show. ***Get it? PUN intended! :-)***

And, curiouser and curiouser that the Silence would want the Doctor to know those things….. Why, why, why??? Whose side are they on, really, and what is their ultimate purpose?