They Killed My Nlgga Ned

i and 1, I just thought that was a funny joke, and now you ruined it!

The following is NOT sarcastic:

Arrrggh! I just totally spoiled on myself by clicking over to someone's comments profile page, because this person comments on both the experts and newbies reviews. My fault. Be careful, everyone. (Now I know something HUGE.)

The transparency of his nightshirt distracted me so much, I thought they were trying to highlight how gross it would be to be obligated to have sex with his skinny old man parts without actually showing full-frontal skinny old man parts.

Yes, it didn't add up that the witch had to kill his horse and told her NOT to enter back into the tent. So what would have happened if Jorah hadn't carried Dany back in there?

Yeah, we all get that, Errata. Just the fact that Jorah goes out of his way to tell her the dragon eggs are petrified when he presents them to her, and that they were introduced at all, kinda made it obvious that something was going to happen with them, then her nestling them among the candles and knowing that most

And on the topic of names, and the photo up in the header…Jon Snow's loyal, inept and overweight friend is named "Samwell"and his other brother of the Night's Watch is named "Pyp"? REALLY?! And the author decided to strain his brain to make up a name other than Merry for the other ones? C'mon, dude.

Wasn't that Lancel?

I was pissed about Ned, but now that Drogo did not emerge from the tent a kick-ass unstoppable immortal zombie warrior with all powers of darkness on his side, all my eye candy is gone. (I'm female.)

they Killed My N1gga Drogo, too?
The cliffhanger is a "major surprise"? Sorry, no. They so obviously showed us that the supposedly petrified dragon eggs would hatch if warmed with a flame. As Jorah begged her not to throw herself on the flames, I thought, "Oh, she's fireproof like Kirk Cameron". Then the eggs

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I laughed out loud at the Justin video, but you really must watch the Britney video first. She truly was a virgin goddess. All my previous shame for enjoying Britney & Justin of yesteryear has fallen away. Chris Brown and Rhianna look truly pathetic in comparison.

Rock Star
This may be the first Tom Cruise project I've ever looked forward to. I found the whole idea of the Broadway show abhorrent, but this looks like solid gold. I thought Rock Star with Marky Mark and Jen Aniston was all I could hope for in this department.