
But it's not even about rationalizing or waving anything away, some of your points are simply incorrect. He wasn't undoing his phone call to his wife, they both knew he was acting it out to the police. The exact quote was "I needed a proper goodbye- not our last phone call". Nothing about undoing. The lottery ticket

I think you're missing the point. First to clarify some points. Gretchen and Elliott were never "his two most despised enemies", and his final motivation was not revenge against them. He may have been bitter and jealous of their position in life compared to his (what could have been), but they were never responsible

Depends what your definition of winning is. Sure he executed revenge on the ABs but throughout the show he ruined the lives of almost everyone around him, most notably those close to him. If a man is his legacy, who will he remembered by most, who does he want to be remembered by and how? If you think he went after

You and me both. Looks like he had time to make a few stops. But I think I did ok. He was never going to kill Gretchen and Elliott, and Jesse lives! Considering all his pain and suffering he deserves it. Goodbye show

Indeed, but I still maintain that he was never going to kill them, which is what all these people have been arguing from the beginning. He may have been jealous and bitter toward them, but they weren't responsible for any of his actions which he knew

Aren't Jesse and Walt the only ones who can make the authentic blue stuff? If someone got a hold of it and found that it was just dye and the quality had significantly droppped then they wouldnt have called it his "signature product". Thats my take on it anyway

I think hearing that his meth was still in circulation would have done the trick

Exactly, Walt make his own decision to leave, they were never responsible for it and he knows this. He was always been bitter about not receiving enough recognition for his achievements, but given we only heard the story from Walt's point of view, he could very well be convincing himself that he had more to do with

I don't think there's any harm in thinking too deeply as long as you can justify what you're arguing and the points can be visibly drawn from the material in question. Some of the things I've mentioned are obviously speculations and predictions since it is open to interpretation until the final episode airs, but

It was precisely because of the last bit of interview with the "dear sweet man" and its climactic emphasis that I thought his facial expression at the end was one of sobering recognition and acceptance rather than fury. He may as well have been looking in the mirror. There very likely was something close to rage in

I've been contemplating what spurred Walt to action at the end of the episode and what it all means in the bigger scheme of things. I've read several threads and some people have suggested that watching the Gray Matter report played on his ego and the desire to own his legacy. I only half agree with this in the sense

Sorry @avclub-9cd818ea56273170b63f339aa6f34bca:disqus , Walter White is a monster. Killing Mike's men in prison to protect himself, killing Mike.. perhaps he is not as barbaric as uncle Jack, but the biggest difference between them is that the latter has no delusions about what he is or does, which is one of Walt's

1. What is the point of cutting someone's tongue out when they can just write everything down, use a computer, use sign language, morse code, ring a bell, point, wave their arms or any infinite number of other ways of communication. I've come to expect that nothing makes sense in Dexter, but the way this was executed

Having all the extras in the backround hugging was by far the best and funniest part of the episode.
"Not much of a turnout, I guess she didn't have many family and friends" and "Thank you for coming, I know most of you didn't know Evelyn very well", but damn it, that doesn't mean we cant all start randomly hugging

Also, I wrote this before I even watched the episode. How predictable

-Dexter only kills those who kill others and deserve to die, and slip through the cracks of the criminal justice system, or pose an immediate threat to himself or his family.
-Dexter only kills those who kill others and deserve to die.
-Dexter only kills those who kill others and deserve to die, and

Next week on Dexter: Daniel watches security footage of Dexter breaking into Vogel's house, leaving the front door wide open and talking to himself, and can't decide if he's more crazy or stupid. Meanwhile, Ghost Vogel plays scrabble with Ghost Harry and Masuka does pot with his daughter. WHY DO I STILL WATCH THIS

That ending had me cursing at my screen for two minutes flat. This is what you do to me, BB. Guess this means I won't be sleeping this week

I posted this at the end of last season, and I prefer this to how this season actually turned out. I also think I predicted a few things quite well.