
Since I presume they're available, I'm going to call dibs on the "Mr Magorium" DVDs

In Ireland they had the great idea of putting 'Deer Crossing' signs on the motorway, just so that in the split second before a deer caves in the windscreen, we will be a little less surprised.

"Post Redacted"

As someone who has watched nearly all Simpsons episodes up to season 23, I feel somewhat qualified to write off the vast majority of post-season 9 episodes as 'sub-par comedy', to say the least. Yes, there are plenty to recommend, but the mediocrity ratio is just too vast to ignore.
Well, there's my two cents…

Just Prozac and multi-vitamins for me!

Well you might have to stopover in LA if you just flew east-west across the country. You're right, though, it isn't very clear, to say the least.

@avclub-ab7d240c84d7265faec0b698a29c6ca7:disqus Thanks for ingraining the words 'Eat up Martha' in my brain with your last line

It just goes straight down in mine, but hey, that's Irish plumbing for you!

Can I nominate the frozen toilet?
"Aw nuts"
And the whole 'man falling into lava' scene?

I presume it's bad that I read 'Disgruntled Australian' as 'Disgruntled Goat' at first?

Evan Conover: Undersecretary for International Protocol: Brat and Punk Division

"Parliament-haüs der Austr(al)ia"

Oh, for Pete's sake, Bart, use the plunger!

Yes. Yes I do

Eine minuten, eine minuten!
Ach! Das wagen phone ist ein…nuisance phone!

Here in America we don't tolerate that kind of crap, Sir!

Hey! Mr. Prime Minister!

Oh my God! There's nothing wrong with the bidet, is there?

Bah! I deride your Simpsons-quoting abilities!

@avclub-f41c98ac606e9b29fce2d59f71df434d:disqus MAKE ME!