
My only complaint about Mike is that if I were him, once I got shot, I would find a phone and call my dear friend Jesse and say in no uncertain terms, "Dear friend Jesse, your mentor/father-figure/partner person Mr. Walter "Heisenberg" White has just shot me in the gut because I challenged his authority. Please flee

Actually, yes. I would rather see someone manually shut Walter the fuck up for the rest of his life than see him die. I think not being able to spew his powertrippy bullshit would be simply excruciating for him.

Actually, yes. I would rather see someone manually shut Walter the fuck up for the rest of his life than see him die. I think not being able to spew his powertrippy bullshit would be simply excruciating for him.

Who knew that this would be the week Destiny's Child lyrics from 1999 would run rampant on the BB discussion board? What a happy surprise!

Who knew that this would be the week Destiny's Child lyrics from 1999 would run rampant on the BB discussion board? What a happy surprise!

Seriously? I swear to fuck, how are some people still on the other side of this line? We're going to get around to Walt killing Jesse, his family, and a random baby just for kicks and some idiot poster will be like "I don't know, guys. I'm not sure if I'm still on Walt's side…"

Seriously? I swear to fuck, how are some people still on the other side of this line? We're going to get around to Walt killing Jesse, his family, and a random baby just for kicks and some idiot poster will be like "I don't know, guys. I'm not sure if I'm still on Walt's side…"

Ugh. I HATED him in that scene…like, more than in all the others…and that's saying something. What an absolutely pathetic prick. What's to applaud?

Ugh. I HATED him in that scene…like, more than in all the others…and that's saying something. What an absolutely pathetic prick. What's to applaud?

Greene's death: have I sobbed with reckless abandon like that at anything on television since? I honestly do not think I have. I can't think of any show that I watch now that COULD make me sob like that.

Greene's death: have I sobbed with reckless abandon like that at anything on television since? I honestly do not think I have. I can't think of any show that I watch now that COULD make me sob like that.

That is a great point, and one of the reasons I feel an odd longing for this show whenever I hear it discussed. Yes, it was old-fashioned and shlocky a lot of times, but the pay-off for the shlock was a feeling of comfort and relatability that COULD create those gut punches in the most dramatic, cathartic kind of way.

That is a great point, and one of the reasons I feel an odd longing for this show whenever I hear it discussed. Yes, it was old-fashioned and shlocky a lot of times, but the pay-off for the shlock was a feeling of comfort and relatability that COULD create those gut punches in the most dramatic, cathartic kind of way.



This season is really claustrophobic feeling. In previous seasons there was always a world out there creeping into Jesse and Walt's actions: Tuco, Fring, Mexican cartel, Walt's job/cancer, etc. Now, there really is no outside. Because Walt has "risen" to the "top" and lost his family/job/disease, there's nothing

This season is really claustrophobic feeling. In previous seasons there was always a world out there creeping into Jesse and Walt's actions: Tuco, Fring, Mexican cartel, Walt's job/cancer, etc. Now, there really is no outside. Because Walt has "risen" to the "top" and lost his family/job/disease, there's nothing

When did the grammar on the SATs get so terrible? USE THE ENGLISH.

When did the grammar on the SATs get so terrible? USE THE ENGLISH.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I believe that the appeal contested Aly's start value. Apparently, the judges had not given her routine the proper difficulty score for all of the skills. The coach then has to fill out the form and put down some money (WTF). He gets the money back if he wins the appeal,