Holiday Darth Vader

I might dress as one of those weird Wookiee things. I would go as an Ewok, but I'm too big and fuck those little bastards.
Trick or Treat is so much fun when the trick involves using the Force to choke someone!

Holidays in my family are a little, let's say "interesting".

How I Met Your Mother, Betrayed Her, Our Friends, and Our Beliefs, Destroyed Planets and Had to Wait Years for Salvation.
The Christmas specials will be great!

Everyone should stay at home and watch "The Empire Strikes Back" on Christmas day. Now that's a movie with a heartwarming happy Christmassy ending.


I find your lack of appreciation… disturbing.

I chilled at my buddy Palpatine's crib. We BBQed a couple Ewoks and chugged a load of beers. I'm supposed to be back to review the building of a new Death Star today, but the TIE Advanced x1 is aggravating the hangover, and making me puke.


We had Slave Labor Day as a holiday when we were building the Death Star. We allowed everyone a three hour weekend, and even gave them two meals in one day! Such festive fun.

In the same vein, there were thousands of civilian contractors killed when the illegal rebel alliance (for which I refuse to use capital letters) destroyed our glorious Empire's flagship space observation platform.

I find his taste iin superhero films disturbing.


I wouldn't say that RotJ is nostalgically overrated - it's not as if the film-makers flogged that dead horse with subsequent, sub-standard, entries in the canon.

Yub nub, my ass!

I had a bantha-milk yogurt enriched with pre- and pro-midichlorian, flavored with festive cranberry and cinnamon.

Don't be fooled by the cuteness and the comedy. Ewoks and Droids are all nasty little beings that deserve to be put on Santa's naughty list.

My reaction on seeing that for the first time: NOOOOOOOO!!! ELLL!!!
Noël, Noël…

Your joy will make me more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

… and the "bad guy" being black? Just so wrong. He should have been some other hue. Maybe a more festive one, such as red?

THROTTLE could send her my way. Admiral Motti will testify - I won't even need to touch her to choke her. What a Christmas present that'll be for her!