
Damn I wish he was still making records.

Damn I wish he was still making records.

I know how to take care of a mulligan.

The elevator, anybody? Andy Samberg at his finest. Cool cool cool cool, no doubt no doubtno doubt.

Whistling, whistling. Whistling is fun.

Shhh, shhh, shhhh… Zoom zoom.

lol at Rashida almost losing it with the mention of the "Dicky Piss" Facebook page.

I want that ringtone.

Wait, you're telling me that wasn't The Most Interesting Man In The World via satellite?

Season's skeetings!

Season's skeetings!

I'm pretty sure Maria Bamford was the voice of the GPS. I don't see her credited though.

I'm pretty sure Maria Bamford was the voice of the GPS. I don't see her credited though.

Ahh. Now it's actually funny.

Ahh. Now it's actually funny.

Who says this episode was trying to teach any lessons? Can't we just watch this show for its ability to tell a story and its humor value? That being said, I thought the story lines were decent (I enjoyed Phil and Claire's mainly), but wasn't laughing much.

Anyone else Google the side-impact safety rating of a Crown Vic? It's not good. Marginal at best with optional side airbags. And I didn't see side airbags.
Sammy, NOO!!

No one caught that "Seth" was the name the turtle suggested their kid's name should be, a couple episodes back? Right before she blew the turtle away with a glock, of course.
Slick reference.