Zombie Reagan

I made a playlist of the originals on Google Play Music, if anyone is interested.

This is the same lady who did the Stephen Colbert cosplay in the same way. I recognize her… uh… tattoo.

It helps to distinguish him from Silent Bob's partner.

Wait, Beyonce is a B girl?

Pearl Jam - "Long Road"
Angelo Badalamenti - "Twin Peaks Theme"

Well, so long Psy.  Looks like well dressed spaz dancing is the new thing now.

"Raylan, for all his arrogance, still gets his ass kicked every now and again…"

That last shot of their hands drifting apart was heartbreaking. Even when they die together, they're fated to be separated. Some people just aren't meant to be together.

Knowing what was going to happen made this a really tough episode to watch for me. I kept checking the time, knowing it was getting closer and closer, now I'm depressed for days.