
This one wonders what the problem is with aristocracy.

Tyson hasn't actually done any scientific research in 20 years (he was next-to-last author on a couple of papers almost 10 years ago and that is the sum total of his output since grad school). At this point he is far more a media celebrity than an astrophysicist, and he is by no objective measure a "world-class

This one. This one is Blasto.

This one does not understand the humans' aversion to the loss of expendable units

This one does not understand the humans' aversion to the loss of expendable units

This one thinks it more likely that a male protagonist would suffer from "mommy issues." But this one does not fully understand the humans' obsession with mating-desires, especially the human familial-mating taboo. This one thinks it would be easier if humans reproduced asexually.